Another Member is Your Best Friend and You're in a Secret Relationship.

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“Why don’t we just tell them?” Luke says. Was he serious? Are you kidding me? “Luke, as much as i’d love to do that. I need to think of myself.” I said as I wrapped my hands around his waist. “I know, and I think you’re incredible for doing that. I at least want the guys to know.” He sighed. “You want to tell he 3 guys who spill anything and everything.” I joked as he laughed a long with me.

“I want the whole world to know how much you mean to me. I want everyone to know what a loving, caring, amazingly beautiful girlfriend you are. I don’t care who knows, but if you wanna keep it a secret still I respect that.” He said. “Thank you.” I smiled. “Does that mean I can’t kiss you anymore or…?” He trailed off. I laughed and shook your head no. “Go for it.” I whispered.

He smiled as he leaned in and kissed me. We stood there for a while, sitting on my bed just making out. “(Y/N)!” You heard Calum yell from your hall. “What’s Calum doing here?” Luke said. “He’s my best friend, he’s got a key.” I replied. “(Y/N) I’m coming in!” He said. “NO!” I yelled. The door was still closed. “Cal I’m not decent I just got out of the shower.” I said trying to think up an excuse which just earned a quite chuckle from Luke. “Closet now!” I whispered as I stood up as did Luke. He nodded and headed into the closet.

“Okay Cal i’m fine now. You can come in.” I said. “You just got out of the shower?” I heard Michael say. “Yeah.” I breathed. “Why isn’t your hair wet?” Ashton said. “Didn’t wash it.” I said. “Well, we wanted to see if you knew where Luke was.” Calum said. “You didn’t call?” I asked. “Whoops? Anyways he’s alway smiling at his phone and we were thinking his got a girlfriend and we just wanted to tell you because we know you like him.” Ashton said. “Cal!” I hit him.

“It slipped out.” He said. “Uh, actually I do know where Luke is. He went to that diner down town.” I said. “Thanks!” They all yelled as they were running down the hall. “You can come out now.” I whispered. “You like me ay?” He smirked. “Well, nah duh.” You said pulling him in for another kiss. “Wait (Y/N) which diner because theres 2 and-” Calum said walking back into your room and you both pulled away.

“Funny (Y/N) didn’t know your room was considered a diner.” He smirked. “Time to tell them now?” Luke smiled.


“Calum I want to tell them!” I argued. “Do you not think I want to as well? I just don’t want you to get hate!” He argued. “Calum I don’t care!” I yelled back. He stopped for a minute. “I want people to know that I’m in a relationship. I want people to know that I love you.” I said after moments of silence.

“I do too, I want it more than anything in the world.I want you to know that, but I don’t want you going through what other girlfriends of other famous people go through. I don’t want to lose you, and all I was to do is protect you but how can I do that if i’m all the way on the other side of the world and you’re hear being bombarded with nasty comments. I’ve witnessed first hand at what it does (Y/N), and it’s not pretty.” He was almost in tears. “Cal i’m sorry. Please don’t cry I’ll drop it. If it means that much I’ll keep quite okay? I love you.” You said wiping his eyes as silent tears poured down his face.

“I love you too, to much to let you get hurt.” He said. “I’m sorry I pushed it. I never should’ve because I knew you were only thinking of me.” I said stroking his cheek. “Do you wanna order pizza?” He smiled. “See always thinking of me.” I said kissing his cheek. I walked out the door to be seen with Michael sitting on the couch. “Mikey. What, what are you doing here?” You asked as you pushed Calum behind a door. “It’s friday, which means movie night with my best friend, which is you. Came in heard yelling sat down with a drink.” He explained. “Oh. How uh, how long have you been here? and how much did you hear?” I stuttered.

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