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You have/had depression, and you’ve found out you’re pregnant and you don’t know if you can cope. (Might Be A Trigger)

A/N - Please if you have depression or had it, or if you self harm, or you just feel upset please talk to me. I will always be there for you guys. I’m always here. So please speak up.

Luke - 

You sat there on the bathroom floor, not knowing what to do anymore. You looked between the bottle of anti-depressants and the positive pregnancy test you just took. 

You love Luke to bits, but were you truly ready? I won’t cope. I’m going to be a disappointment to everyone. I will mess this up. I would make the same mistakes my Mum made with me.All these thoughts ran through your mind.

You broke down, crying what’s the point? You asked yourself repeatedly. 

Meanwhile Luke came home, he was just about to call your name, when he heard your tears, he came running up the stairs, desperate to find you. You came running into the bathroom to see you sitting with your knees up to your chest, head in your hands, he scanned the room and saw the bottle and the positive test. He was shocked but he immediately came to your side. Gently rocking you, he knew you would tell him when you were ready. 

After about 5 minutes, “Luke I won’t be able to cope.” You sobbed

"Y/N baby, you are a wonderful women, you will have the support of me, the boys, my parents, everyone you would need. You won’t suck as a Mum, all the pain you’ve been through will only make you stronger. You are single handedly the strongest person I have ever met." He pleaded, you started to calm down. Luke picked you up bridal style, and carried you to your bed. where he laid you down and let you cuddle into him, you were still hiccupping from being upset. But you finally think you might be able to cope.

Calum - 

You’ve had depression ever since you were 14, ever since your Mum passed away, it just hit you like a ton of bricks. However since you’ve been seeing Calum, your mindset has changed you weren’t as sad all the time. It was like your cure was Calum. 

But yesterday you found out some news that has potentially wrecked your new found happiness. You were pregnant. How is a baby going to help you maybe it was the focus you need. You knew that Calum would 100% support you and the boys would. You don’t know how to feel. What to think. But one thing was always running through your mind.

How am I going to cope?

Michael - 

You needed Michael, you needed his advice, you needed his touch. You didn’t know what to do, you have been okay, you guess. But was this news the news that would totally wreck you? The news that would destroy your mentality? You struggled looking after yourself, how would you look after someone else. Michael is always on tour.

You wanted Michael.

Just then Michael came in the room, seeing you sitting there mumbling to yourself, he knew something was wrong. 

"Babe, let it out talk to me."Your boyfriend pleaded to you.

"Mikey I’m pregnant, I know it’s a shock. But how am I going to cope. I find it hard to look after myself, let alone another human being. And you’re on tour most of the time, I don’t think I can cope Mikey, I’m barely coping, what can I do?" You let out, letting your emotions run free, tears streaming down your face.

"Princess, I know it’ll be hard for you, and I honestly believe that you can cope. I am always here for you no matter what. You can look after yourself. And as for me being on tour, you can come along with me. You don’t need to worry about that. You can do this Y/N." Michael pulled you in and kissed you on the lips. 

"I love you Mikey."

Ashton - 

A few months ago was the worst time of your life. That was when you hit rock bottom. You refused to get out of bed, to eat, to even smile. And it killed you inside that you were hurting him, by just seeing you like that. But he never gave up, he was always there for you. 

Ashton called the Doctor for you, which helped you a lot. You were eternally thankful, for that. 

But you had found out that you’re pregnant. You fell back into your old ways. Refusing to eat, to move, to smile. You were falling back to the past and fast. 

Ashton didn’t know how to help. He tried making you laugh, he tried cooking your favourite meals. 

Eventually, he decided just to talk to you.

"Y/N?" He asked while walking into the room. "I know you haven’t talked to me for a while, but please tell me what’s wrong and let me help. I want to help you in so many ways. But I can’t if I don’t know what’s wrong. So please tell me." He said facing you the entire time, the pain showing in his eyes, tears threatening to fall from his hazel eyes.

"Ash" You choked out "I’m pregnant, and I can’t cope." You let out word by word, tears ready to flow, Ashton pulled you into his arms letting you cry into him. Rocking you whispering "It’ll be alright princess. We can get through this." 

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