Talking to the baby/babies

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Luke - 

Later that night, when Liz left you and Luke were lying on the sofa tangled in his arms. Both relaxing in eachothers arms. You lying in between his legs. You couldn’t believe he was home. He was back. 

"I can’t believe how big your bump is now Y/N." Luke mumbled

"It’s going by so fast." You replied sleepily, your eyelids growing heavier, your body relaxing even more against his chest.

"You know what little one, you’re going to be so loved in this world. I have a crazy lifestyle, but I will always be there for you, I’m only a phone call away. I love you and your Mummy. You will always have us, and you have 3 crazy uncles and 2 normal-ish ones." He let out a small chuckle "You have no clue how much you mean to all of us. I love you so much little one, and I love your mummy." He said while putting his hands on your bump, not knowing that you could hear his whole speech knowing that everything he said was completely true.

Ashton - 

Ashton had to go to the studio, and at the moment your back was in so much pain, as well you were having twins. You couldn’t sit comfortably, you couldn’t stand without being in pain. 

You thoughts were interrupted by Ashton calling you.

"Hey babe, how ya doing?" He chirped over the phone

"Not good babe, my back is killing me." You sighed. 

"Put me on speaker please."

"Okay…"You said back unsure of why he wanted you to do that.

"Okay listen to me twins, please let your mum get some rest, she needs it. I know you guys are just chillin in there, but for your dad please. Love you lots my little twins." Ashton rambled on and on, about the life that the twins will have. Smiling whilst hearing your husbands voice, actually feeling the twins settle.

Michael - 

Today was your birthday, and you gotten a card through the post, from your parents, but it didn’t have 'Dad' written on the bottom of it only Mum. This really upset you, you completely broke down crying, sobbing your heart out.

"Hey baby, what’s wrong?" Michael said when he came rushing to your side. You just handed him the card, he opened it and quickly scanned it,"Oh Y/N, I’m sorry, come here princess." He pulled you into his arms and gently stroked his hands over your bump. 

"You little one in there, you might not be wanted by everyone, but you will definitely be loved by Mummy, Daddy, Uncle Luke, Uncle Calum and Uncle Ashton. You are the most wonderful thing to ever happen in my life. I love you." During this time you have managed to calm down, in his arms. 

Calum - 

"So babe, I heard at this stage in your pregnancy the baby can start hearing things." Calum mentioned while sitting next to you looking up things on his laptop. "Yeah." You said back not really paying attention, still flicking through the pages of the magazine you were reading.

"So could I talk to the baby?" Calum asked his eyes lit up.

"Yeah if you want Cal." You answered.

"Okay, what do I say? Hi baby, how are you doing just chillin in there? I bet it’s good. I’m sorry if I’m not here that often, but I will always love you." He said placing a kiss on the bump, you being hormonal you got very emotional and started tearing up, Cal looked up at you.

"Babe what’s wrong?" He asked puzzled moving up to be right next to you. 

"You’re just going to be a wonderful Dad."

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