Your Child is a Daddy's/Momma's Kid

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"But Daddy!" your daughter pouted in the backseat of the car. It was her first day of school, and you could tell she didn’t want to leave her dad, Michael. "It’s only for a few hours, sweetheart. Then you can come home." Michael reassured her. He leaned from the driver’s seat to the back, planting a kiss on her forehead. "I don’t want to go!" She yelled. Michael sighed, looked at you, and got out the car. He opened he back door and lifted your daughter into his arms. "You’re gonna have to much fun at school. You can make new friends and learn new things, then when you come home, you can tell Daddy all about it." Michael put her down gently and held her hand, walking her into the school. A few more inaudible words were exchanged before you saw Michael engulf his baby girl in a huge hug and walk back to the car as she trotted into the school. "There she goes." You whispered as Mikey entered the car. "I don’t want to have to do that every day." He said with a chuckle.


You kicked off your shoes and hanged your jacked on the coat hanger, plopping yourself on the couch. You rested your head in your hands, a tear running down your cheek. You’ve had a lot of stressful days, but this one was one of the worst. The lights in the room flicked on, followed by a series of small footsteps. “Mommy?” You heard a little voice say. You looked up from your hands to see you and Ashton’s son standing before you. “What’s up honey?” You asked, pulling him into your lap. Ashton was stood around the corner, smiling at the two of you slightly. You smiled back. “What’s wrong, Mommy?” he asked sweetly. “Nothing, baby. Just a long day. How was your day home with Daddy?” You asked. “Great! We played lots of games, and he told me that when you get home I could tell you all about our trip to the park…” he trailed off. Ashton walked over to you, gently kissing your forehead. “He couldn’t wait for you to get home.” He whispered, causing you to smile.


"Can I talk to Dad yet?" You son tugged at the hem your shirt. "Maybe later, honey." you suggested, turning your attention back to the food you were cooking. "But you have been saying that all day!" He groaned. "I want to talk to Daddy now!" Sighing, you puled your phone out of your pocket and crouched down to meet your son’s height. You opened FaceTime and clicked Luke’s contact, causing a huge smile from your son. "Sup, babe?" Luke said as his face popped up on screen. "DADDY!" Your son yelled. Luke laughed and said, "Hey, kiddo!" "He’s been begging me to FaceTime you all day." You said, smiling. "I miss you, Dad!" Your son shouted, taking the phone out of your hands. "I miss you too," You heard Luke say, "But now’s not a good time. We’re going on stage in a few minutes, but I will call you later, okay?" Your son frowned and nodded. "Okay. Bye, daddy." He said, and hung up. You went back to cooking, and not even 15 minutes later, your son poked his head around the corner saying, "Can we call daddy yet?"


"Do you want to go get some ice cream, sweetie?" Calum asked your daughter as she curled into your side. She shook her head no. "Only if Mommy can come." She said. "Mommy has lots of work to do," you sighed, "Go with Daddy so that I can concentrate." You attempted to push your daughter off of you, but she only clung right back. "But I want you to come with us, Mommy." she complained. "When we get home, Mommy will still be here. We need to give her some space to do some work." Calum said, lifting your daughter off of you. She screamed and reached back for you, but when Calum sat her on his shoulder, she pouted silently with her arms crossed. "We can go wherever you want, it doesn’t have to be ice cream." Cal suggested. "And we come right back home?" She asked. With a nod, Calum and your daughter left so that you could finally get some work done.

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