He Catches You In Another Boy's Tour Bunk

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Ashton: (18) “Hey Lucas, have you seen my sister?” Ashton’s loud voice boomed from the front of the tour bus and you eyed Luke as he was above you. “Thought you said the other two were going to keep him busy Hemmings!” He slowly brought his face to look past the curtain to see your brother’s location. “Luke, you seen (YN) or no?” Luke shook his head. “No why?” Ashton laughed shortly. “You are a terrible liar, Hemmings, where’s my sister? She better not be in there with you!” Trying to move further away from the edge, you accidentally kicked the tour bus wall and both you and Luke closed your eyes, knowing Ashton was about to get angry. “(YN), get the hell out of there right now.” You rolled over and peeked out under Luke and glared at your brother. “I’m an adult now, i can do what i want.” “Not with my band mate you don’t.” You stuck your tongue out at him. “Nice try Ash, he’s an adult too. Bye bye!” You pulled Luke in and let the curtain close.

Michael: (17) Looking out the bus window, you saw that Michael, Luke and Calum were all heading out and you grinned like an idiot as you made your way from your bunk to Ashton’s. He was waiting for you too, the curtain opened wide and his arms reaching out for you. When he finally pulled you up into his side, he gave you a sweet kiss. “How long do we have?” you ask and Ashton smirked. “There’s a club nearby they wanted to go to while we were here, i said i’d stay behind cause i had a headache.” “Do you really have a headache?” “Nope, just wanted some alone time with my favorite girl.” “Michael’s so going to kill you when he finds out about the two of us, Ashton. You ready for him to kill you?” “He better be!” you both heard and turned your heads to see Michael standing there and you dropped your head into the crook of Ashton’s neck. “Hi Michael.” “Yeah, hi.” He pulled you back down and pushed you behind him before glaring at Ashton. “No. Stay away from her, i’m not going to aloow this to happen. Not now, not ever.”

Calum: (18) “(YN)!” you heard a loud whisper and then a poke to your side and then a slight slap to your butt. You glared and were about to scream when he put a hand over your mouth. “(YN), it’s me, relax. Come on, my bunk, let’s go!” Following Michael, he put you up in his bunk and soon followed after. “Wasn’t expecting a wake up call.” you say and curl into his side and he holds you tight while chuckling. “Well, i couldn’t sleep and i didn’t know what else to do without waking your brother up.” “He can be a light sleeper, he might already know still that i’m here and not in my own bunk.” “I doubt that.” “I don’t.” you mumble and try to go back to sleep but your attempt was ruined after about five minutes of Michael humming softly, but that’s not what ruined it. “You hear something?” you pop your head up and Michael shakes his head. “No. Why?” “Thought i did.” you respond and lay your head back down only to be shielding your eyes a moment later from the sudden light entering the bunk and a tired Calum standing there. “(YN), back to your own bed.” You shake your head. “No, he already woke me up and made me move once, i’m staying right here!” “Fine, Michael go sleep in (YN)’s bunk!” “Nope, my bunk, my rules!” Michael chuckled closing the curtain to the bunk again.

Luke: (19) “Stop laughing Calum!” you slapped his chest and rolled him over so you were on top of him and put your hand over his mouth but just kept on laughing. “If you don’t stop Luke’s going to hear you and he’s going to come over here, kill you and tell me i’m not allowed to see you ever again.” Calum’s laughter finally faded and he put his hands on your sides. “I don’t care what anyone says, i’ll see you when i want to see you and vice versa. You’re a year older than him anyways, (YN)! You can’t let your little brother take control of your love life like that.” You sigh. “Maybe you’re right, but he’s very protective and i like that.” “I can protect you, i have protected you.” You nod and gave him a kiss. “I know you have and do, and i love that too.” Calum sighed and curiously looked over and sighed. “Hemmings, i know you’re right there and heard everything we’ve said, make yourself known now.” Luke pulled back the curtains. “How long has this been going on?” “Long enough.” you say and push your brother away. “Now, if you’d please give me and my boyfriend some privacy, that would be swell. Bye Lucas!”

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