Protective Brother

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You had been dating Ashton in secret for a while now, at least a few months. You’d been on dates in restaurants on occasion, you’d slept together a few times, and the only thing left was to reveal to your friends and family. That also meant revealing to your older brother Rian that you were dating. Honestly, it terrified you. Not that Rian was terrifying, he was about as tough as a butterfly, but he had always been protective of you. It was very sweet of him to be so but you wanted to be able to share everything with him, since he was your brother after all and you were pretty close. 

You had tried talking to him about it one day, bringing up dating in a conversation. 

“Do you remember Eddie?” you asked. You were eating lunch together at Five Guys, something that the two of you did often.

“Eddie? That guy that cheated on you in high school?” Rian asked. “What about him?”

“I was just asking if you remembered him. He was one of my serious boyfriends,” you said.

“Uh, yeah…he was your only serious boyfriend and Y/N, that asshole cheated on you. I punched his teeth in,” he said, biting into his burger.

“You…beat him up?” you asked nervously.

“Well, yeah. The fact that he hurt you made me mad, Y/N. He was a fucking dickhead,” Rian replied simply.


You didn’t bring up guys that you were dating again. You were afraid of what he’d say or do if you told him about Ashton. 

It was another night of Ashton performing. Although Rian didn’t know you were dating Ashton, Ashton’s bandmates knew, so you were welcome to watch them perform some nights to support Ashton. 

Tonight was one of many great shows, Ashton giving his all into his performance as usual. He had glanced at you a couple of times during the set, grinning at you or winking before wiping the sweat from his brow. 

Soon their set was over and they said goodnight to the crowd and came off stage. Ashton greeted you with one of his beautiful smiles, pushing his sweaty hair from his forehead. 

“Hey,” he said.

“You were great out there,” you complimented.

“Well yeah, ‘cause you’re here. You’re my good luck charm,” he said. He casually wrapped his arms around you. 

“You’re sweaty,” you teased.

“Can I still get a kiss?”

“Of course.” 

You wrapped your arms around his neck and smiled into a kiss, allowing your lips to move with his. He held you tighter and your tongues met as your fingers ran through his hair.

“Y/N?” a voice behind you said.

You whirled around, recognizing it immediately. It was Rian. 

Shit, how could you be so stupid? You knew he was friends with the boys, and tonight just so happened to be a night that the guys were hanging out together.

“Rian,” was all you said, practically unable to move. 

“So you’re dating Ashton,” he said. “For how long?”

“Three months,” you replied meekly.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked.

“I was going to, but I thought you might be mad or something,” you replied. “You’re protective sometimes.”

“Why would I be mad, Y/N? I’m your brother. He makes you happy, right?” Rian said.

You nodded. “Yes.”

“Then I’m happy.”

He brought you in for a hug. “I know dating stuff is your business, I just don’t want anyone to hurt you,” he assured you. Then he turned to Ashton. “And you. I expect you treat her right or you’ll end up like Eddie.”

Rian walked away after that. You laughed at his comment, knowing that Rian trusted Ashton and knew he wouldn’t hurt you. They were friends, after all. 

Ashton looked at you, a bit terrified and very confused. “Who is Eddie?”

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