they tease you for being short.

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I will not be defeated by the top shelf again. I can do this. Just a little higher y/n and you’ve got your cereal. I can never reach the top shelf, why does my idiot of a boyfriend, Luke think that it’s okay to put stuff up high when he knows that I can’t reach that high as my little legs won’t let me. It’s a hard life.

Maybe if I get a chair I can reach it. Is that safe? I don’t want to fall off again; I cannot handle a week of constant mocking from the boys. Carefully, I pulled myself onto the chair, both hands placed on the counter for support.

‘Y/n, what are you doing?’ Luke, every time. Always walks in at awkward times.

‘What does it look like Luke? You put the cereal on the top shelf again.’

‘Then why didn’t you just ask me to get it for you short-arse?’

‘Because I wanted to do it for myself. And don’t call me a short-arse, I’m average height, you’re just abnormally tall!’

‘I was only joking babe, but you are really small, like you can’t even reach the top shelf without jumping…’

‘Luke you better shut up unless you want me to eat all of the cereal!’

‘Fine, I’ll shut up, am I forgiven short-arse?’ I can hear the humour in his voice. You find this amusing now Luke…

‘You are for now, but if you don’t stop calling me short-arse then I won’t cuddle you, which won’t be fun for either of us but it’ll have to be done.’ I attempted to be serious but I couldn’t supress a giggle. Luke pouted at me and I took this opportunity to stand on the chair and give him a chaste kiss.

‘So…want to continue this in the bedroom short-arse?’

‘Luke!’ I playfully slapped him on the arm.

‘Is that a yes then?’

‘Yes you dumbass.’


I really want those jeans. Why do they put them so bloody high up, do they not take my height into consideration? I would as Ashton for help but he got distracted by the underwear, giggling at them. So childish. Looking around, making sure no one could see what I was about to do, my eyes set on the goal I jumped up trying to grab the pair of jeans, failing completely. I was going to just stand there and sulk for a bit but a fit of giggles interrupted me.

‘Shut up Ashton.’

‘No it’s funny.’

‘Last time I checked Ash it wasn’t funny and this stupid shop shouldn’t put stuff up so high that people of normal height can’t reach it without making a fool out of themselves!’

‘But babe, you’re not of normal height.’ Still giggling.

‘I am you meany!’

‘Well, compared to me you’re not, I bet any other person could reach that top shelf easily.’

‘Have I told you how much I hate you Ash?’

‘Yeah, everyday…such an abusive relationship.’ He cannot be serious for a minute.

‘Just shut up and get me a pair of jeans my size.’

‘Only if you let me into the dressing room with you.’

‘If you get the right size you can.’

He got the right size.


The entire ride to the supermarket consisted of Michael teasing me about my height and if he won’t shut up soon I won’t be giving him any pizza…or cuddles.

‘But if you think about it y/n , you are really small compared to me.’

‘That’s because I’m not a fucking giant Michael.’

‘Oh, feisty, shorty is feisty.’

‘Michael I swear to God if you don’t shut up I will not let you eat any of the pizza.’

‘Oh, okay I’m sorry…but at least you have a really nice butt.’

Oh my God he’s so embarrassing.

‘Well, I guess that’s true.’

‘You can never stay mad at me.’

‘You want a bet Clifford?’

‘If this risks me not touching you’re butt, or any other part of you, which you would love, don’t deny it, then no, I do not want to bet on it because I really like your butt.’

‘You’re an idiot.’

‘I’m your idiot though’

‘Yeah, you are. Sadly.’ I gave him an attempted wink. At least it made him laugh.

‘I love you shorty.’

‘I love you too douchebag.’


Calum and I were currently sat in my Nans house with my family celebrating my mum’s birthday. I invited him on the condition that he tried nothing on me or embarrassed me in front of my family. It took him a while to understand why we only sat with the family and talked instead of doing anything special, only because he didn’t know what to say if they started asking him questions, in which I replied with ‘just be yourself’ I must admit, I did cringe, too cliché.

Nan had asked me to go to the kitchen to get her something and I had asked Calum to come with me just to save him from the questions.

‘Babe, why are you so small?’

‘What are you talking about Cal?’

‘Well, all of your family are like really tall and you’re like really small.’

‘Shut up Cal, it’s a sensitive topic!’

‘Babe, you know I’m only joking.’

‘No you’re not.’

‘Fine, you are really small, but at least you’re cute, and beautiful and sexy…’ his voice getting deeper and more filled with lust.


He stepped closer towards me, arms snaking around my waist. I couldn’t bear the sexual tension so I crashed my lips onto his kissing him passionately. Calum, surprised by actions pushed me against the counter. Excited in both ways if you get my drift…

‘Y/n do you need help finding…’ Oh God. Calum quickly jumped away from me wiping the lipstick off his lips, cheeks turning a slight shade of pink.

‘I’m so sorry Nan, will not happen again…’

‘It’s okay love, just try and do it in the bedroom next time, I cleaned this earlier.’

‘Oh my God nan shut up.’

‘I wasn’t the one kissing in the kitchen, what are you young people like these days?’

Thankfully she left the room and we took the advice and went to the bedroom.

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