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Ashton: Your normally chirpy boyfriend came in with a sour expression on his face, not bothering to greet you as you stood in the kitchen making dinner. Frowning at his receding silhouette, you turned down the burner to your bubbling supper and made your way upstairs. “Babe?”

“What?” he snapped as he forcefully threw his shirt toward the hamper. It slapped against the wall and fell to the floor, an annoyed grunt coming from his lips. Walking up behind him, you slowly ran your hands up and down his back. “Y/N, don’t.”

“You don’t,” you said softly as you pressed a kiss between his shoulder blades. Pressing your thumbs into his muscles, his back visibly relaxed. “Just relax baby.”

He turned, watching as your hands lifted, resting on his shoulders and gently kneading into his tense muscles. “I’m sorry I was an ass to you earlier. You didn’t deserve that.”

Smiling gently, you leaned up and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “It’s okay, Ash. You just had one of those days, we all have them.” He sighed heavily, lifting his arm so you could wrap your arms around his waist and hug him close. “Do you want to tell me what happened?”

He nodded gently, burying his face in your neck. “Not right now though.”

You ran your hands up and down his back, rocking him gently in your arms. “I have dinner almost ready. You get a shirt on and come join me.” He gave you a gentle smile, taking your face in his hands and kissing you.

Michael: He sat beside you, watching as you scowled at the screen still unable to kill the character that kept killing you. “Fuck!” He chuckled beside you as you regenerated, starting back at the beginning of the level that you could get through almost without thinking. “How do you play this fucking game and not want to kill something real?”

“Because it’s just a game,” he said with another chuckle as you died again. You threw the controller down and stood, trudging to the kitchen. He walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you against his body. “Baby, it’s just a game.” Looking up at him, he grinned and kissed your forehead. “Though you do look really hot when you get all mad.”

With a laugh, you turned and wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing him softly. He took a step forward, pressing your back against the cool counter. His hand threaded into your hair, which you had left down after your shower, and his other slid easily underneath the band tee you had stolen from him.

“How about I show you how to beat the level?” he asked.

You smiled gently and nodded. “You’ll probably beat it in like two minutes.”

He laughed softly. “I’m not that quick.” Catching on his innuendo, you smacked the back of your hand against his shoulder and watched as he threw his head back and laughed.

“You ass.” He laughed again, pulling you into his lap.

“Just watch babe.”

Luke: You could hear him playing the same riff over and over again as you sat at the kitchen table, working on a paper for school. After the fifth time and a series of expletives appearing from his mouth, you made your way into the living room where he sat.

“What’s wrong?” you asked, resting your hands on your hips as you watched him start the riff over again.

“I can’t get this fucking thing,” he grumbled. Walking around to the other side of the couch, you sat beside him and took his hand that rested against the top of the fret board of the guitar. “Babe-“

He closed his mouth as he watched you lean down, pressing a soft kiss to the center of his palm. “You’re rushing yourself. Just calm down a bit and try to play it a bit more slowly.” You gently massaged the palm of his hand, looking up and grinning at him softly as he watched you silently. “You’ll get it, just quit being so hard on yourself.”

Leaning up to him, you placed a soft kiss on his cheek and grinned. “Okay?”

He smiled at you and nodded, kissing your lips. You stood and returned to the table; returning to your work and hearing him finally play the riff he had been working on smoothly.

Calum: Standing backstage watching the boys play their sound check, you could tell already that he was frustrated. His amp had quit twice and you watched as his hand jerked away from his bass, the string popping and slapping onto his palm.

“Fucking shitty thing,” he grumbled as he tossed the guitar onto the counter before grabbing his other one. Ashton gave you a pleading look and you walked to where Calum stood, gently rubbing your hand on his back. “What Y/N?”

“Hey, don’t turn your frustrations on me mister,” you responded. His head turned and you gave him a look, his face softening immediately. “I know you’re having a shitty day, but come on. The boys are doing all they can and you shouldn’t be beating yourself up so much.”

He sighed, resting his arms on the amp, plopping his head against them. “Everything that has gone wrong today has, Y/N. I’m just beyond annoyed.”

“Well, you’ll finish your sound check and then you’re all mine until the show,” you said with a smile. He looked up, his eyebrows raising gently. “We can watch a movie, relax and just chill.”

“You’re no fun,” he grumbled when you crossed your arms against your chest.

You laughed, shaking your head and leaning up to kiss his lips. “That’s for later in the hotel room, babe. We haven’t fully broken it in.” He smiled suggestively and kissed your lips, Luke making a gagging sound into the microphone.

“Hey you two behave over there,” Michael quipped over the sound system.

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