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"I feel like absolute crap, Cal." You complain as you lay down beside him. He is in the middle of reading a book so he just hums not even looking over at you. You had a very long, hard day at work and you have a huge headache. You prop your head on your hand as you lay on your side and stare over at him waiting for him to notice you. He doesn’t. You take a few deep breaths before he finally looks over at you immediately noticing the annoyed look on your face.

"What?" He questions innocently.

"Can we just go to sleep?" You ask rolling your eyes and flipping onto your other side, your back now facing him. You close your eyes as you wait for him to react. After a few minutes, he shuts his book and you hear him set it on the nightstand before turning off the lamp that had previously lit the room. You cuddle up to your pillow and try to ignore the feeling of Cal’s eyes on you. You reposition yourself into a comfier place and feel his strong arm wrap around your waist, pulling you towards him. You try to fight him but he’s too strong. He manages to pull you close so you give in and end up laying your head on his bare chest. You could feel his soft breath on your head and you slowly start to fall asleep.

"I’m sorry, baby." He whispers as he kisses the top of your head.


 "I am so glad that you’re here." Ashton smiles as he pulls you into a tight hug. You had just gotten into town for their next concert and Ash met you outside the airport immediately pulling you into his arms. You felt safe, he pulled back pecking your lips quickly then pulling you into the car he had rented. Many fans had gathered at the airport for your arrival as well so it was difficult to enjoy the moment of finally being together after not seeing each other for months. It only took a few minutes to drive to the hotel that the band is staying at so you didn’t have much time to catch up in the car. When you pull up to the hotel, you see a huge crowd of girls gathered outside. He protectively takes your hand as you climb out with him and he drags you through the crowd. He leads you inside and up a few floors to his room. When you get inside you collapse onto the bed with him. The excitement had taken so much energy out of the both of you.

"I’m so tired." You whisper as you admire him from your side of the bed.

"Me too." He agrees looking back at you. Your eyelids start to feel heavy but you stay focused on him. You feel his hand start to rub your thigh and you find it very soothing.

"I’m about to fall asleep." You tell him as you run your hands through your hair. You return your gaze back onto him as he lays motionless in front of you. You take in every detail about him. His eyes, his dimples, that one piece of hair that sticks up right on the top of his head, everything. You see a small smirk start to cross his lips as he repositions himself onto his back.

"Come here." He giggles motioning for you to scoot closer to him.

"Why?" You smirk as you try to play hard to get.

"Because I want to cuddle with my beautiful, yet annoying, girlfriend." You playfully punch him but he grabs your hand and puts his other arm around you. He pulls you to him and you slide over, nuzzling into his neck. "I love you, Y/N."


"Why can’t I just lay here, like forever?" You hear Luke whine from the other side of the hotel room. You step out of the bathroom as you finish the last few touch ups on your makeup and smile. He is laying on his back on the bed, his face covered by a pillow. His shirt has several of the top buttons undone revealing part of his bare chest. You can hear him groan so you decide to go and join him.

"Because you will starve and die." You comment sarcastically as you slide down beside him, ruffling your dress a bit. He slightly lifts the pillow so that he can see you and immediately smiles.

"Well don’t you look pretty?" You feel yourself start to blush. "It’s just a pre-party. The actual award show is tomorrow. Can we just skip it?"

"And do what?" You question not understanding why he doesn’t want to go anywhere. He’s usually the one partying

"I dunno. Just cuddle, watch movies, eat popcorn." You raise your eyebrow in his direction. "I haven’t seen you in a very long time and I just want us to be alone for a while. Is that so bad?" He quickly presses the pillow back onto his face making you giggle.

"No but you made a commitment." You tell him, poking the pillow. You pull it out of his grip and chunk it to the floor, immediately you see a disappointing expression fall over his face before you can finish. "But remember, no one ever said that we couldn’t leave early." You start to stand to grab your purse when all of a sudden you are pulled back down. You giggle as you land right back into the same spot you were in previously only Luke’s lips were now on yours. You kiss him back but he quickly pulls away.

"This is exactly the reason why I love you." He leans back in, kissing your forehead and letting you stand up once again.


You gasp as Michael leads you out onto the rooftop of the hotel. You look at your surroundings and you’re amazed by all of the decorations. There are string lights hung all around the two of you and there is a small blanket and a few pillows laid out in the middle. As you continue to to gaze at his masterpiece, he leads you right to the middle letting you take a seat on a pillow. He sits beside you staring at you intently as if he is waiting for your approval.

"This is…" You pause when you see him squirm a bit. You can tell that he really wants to impress you, it being your 2 year anniversary and all. You can’t help but grin at him before leaning in for a kiss. When your lips connect, he immediately begins kissing you back. His lips are soft against yours giving you much pleasure. He pulls his lips back but his forehead stays on yours. "Amazing." You breath out keeping your eyes shut. Michael has always been pretty romantic when you two were alone but he never went to this much trouble.

"I’m glad that you like it." He whispers as your eyes flutter open. You look down, taking both of his hands in yours giving them a quick squeeze before looking back up.

He motions for you to lay down with him and you don’t hesitate. He puts one of his arms around you still holding both of your hands. It feels so great to be near him so you lean in touching his nose to yours.

"Happy anniversary, Y/N." He tells you in a low voice before placing kiss on your cheek.

"Happy anniversary, Mikey." You feel butterflies as you say it. You then realize that he’s the person you are meant to spend the rest of you life with. He’s the one.

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