Surprise?" (Michael Imagine)

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Your eyes fluttered open, slowly adjusting to the world outside your eyelids. It took you a few moments to remember where you were, you were laying in a hotel room in central London and it was raining outside. You could hear the faint screams of fans from outside, and thats when it really clicked for you. You were on tour with Michael, and you were with the boys in London for the next few days while they were there for the iTunes Festival. They had a day or two off before they actually started doing things to prepare for the festival, which you were grateful for. With all the traveling the boys did all the time, you worried about how tired they got. No matter what they did though, the four of them always had smiles on their faces. Mikey always told you that his was because you were there with him, but you knew that you weren't all of it. He loved what he did, and you were proud of him for that. You looked outside the hotel window, seeing the usual London rain falling from the sky. You knew it would be a lazy day for you and Mikey, maybe you would go out and shop a little, but the two of you just loved to be lazy together.
"Becca? Where did you go?" A sleepy Michael called from the bed. You walked back over and crawled under the covers again, curling into his side. "I freaked out when you weren't there. Where did you go?" "I just went to the window Mikey, it's raining outside today." He wrapped you up in his arms like he never wanted to let you go. You inhaled his scent, which always smelled like home to you. Home was wherever Mikey's arms happened to be to you. "What do you want to do today?" You asked him, hoping that his answer would be lounge around the hotel room and be lazy, probably play a few video games together. "I kinda wanna go out shopping a little bit if you don't mind." You sighed, but agreed anyway. Whenever Michael didn't want to sleep it was a day to remember, so you were definitely going to make the most of it. You got up and slowly got dressed, dreading having to go out in the rain. Sometimes you thought the fans should get an award, waiting in weather like this just to get a glimpse or possible picture with one of the boys.
You stole Michael's "Idiot" flannel from his suitcase because you were getting cold, and when he saw it on you he smiled so wide you had never seen a smile that big on him. "Stealing my clothes again Becca?" He grinned, lacing his hand through yours as you made your way to the elevator, a security guard close behind you. "Where in the world are we going shopping Mikey?" He just shrugged, he knew London better then you did by far. "I have a few places in mind, I think you'll like them." "Whatever you say Mikey, whatever you say!" You playfully hit him as you curled the sleeves of the flannel around your hands. As you exited the hotel, Mikey stopped and took a few pictures with fans before he made his way into the van with you. You waved back at a few fans who waved at you before the security guard shut the door behind him. Michael handed their driver a piece of paper, and he nodded. Immediately the driver began going to wherever Michael had said on that piece of paper. It was making you nervous, not knowing where Mikey was taking you shopping. His surprises usually end well, but you knew how Mikey could get sometimes. Eventually, the van came to a stop and you followed Michael out of the van. You looked up and saw "HARRODS" in giant letters at the top of a building. Michael had brought you to one of the most famous stores in the world.
"Michael what in the world are we doing here?" He didn't answer you, he just smiled and led you into one of the back doors. When you entered the room, lights illuminated it, revealing employees standing behind multiple jewelry counters. "Pick one Becca." was all Michael said to you. Your mouth basically dropped to the ground as you walked around to the counters, Michael following you to each one. He was having you look at engagement rings at one of the most famous stores in the world, and you had been clueless about it. That fucker, you thought. That was, until you spotted it. You spotted a ring in one of the cases, and it spelled out "Love" in diamonds, but then you saw the price. You could never ask Mikey to buy something that much for you. "Do you like this one babe?" He pointed to it after he saw you looking at it. "It's too much Mikey, I cant ask you to buy that.." "We'll take that one please. It's already in your size." The worker took the ring out of the case, setting it on the countertop. Mikey took the ring, and without hesitation got down on one knee. "There's no easy way to say this... but this is the only way I know how. I don't know what I would do without you in my life sweetie, I'll never forget that day you tripped over your shoelace outside our bus and I caught you. I want to catch you every day for the rest of my life. Marry me?" You were utterly speechless, so all you could do was nod. He placed the ring on your finger, kissing you once he stood up. You heard applause from all around you, and you could feel yourself blushing.
"This isn't all princess." He led you back out into the van, handing the driver another piece of paper with the next location on it. You couldn't stop looking at the ring now sitting on your finger, and you couldn't believe you had just gotten engaged. You knew better then to ask Mikey where you were going next so you just looked out the window of the van, which wasn't really revealing that much to you either. When the van stopped again, Michael got out first and walked around to open the door for you. In front of you was the cutest little boutique you had ever seen, and of course Michael opened the door for you to go inside. There were several dresses on display on mannequins in front of you, all of which were white. You had no idea what Michael was planning, but you had a feeling he had some grand scheme going on. There were also several tuxes, which you guessed were for Michael. "Pick one sweetheart." You heard Michael say from behind you. You saw a short one in a cream color, covered in lace and you immediately fell in love. You didn't even have to ask if it was in your size because you saw the tag, and it definitely was. There was a pair of matching shoes at the bottom that you also loved, and the workers guided you into a room to get changed. Once you were changed and looked in the mirror, you caught yourself starring in awe. You had never felt more beautiful in your life, and it was all thanks to Michael. When you were finished getting dressed, you were taken to a different room where they did your hair and makeup for you. Once that was finished you were taken into a different car, and this time Michael wasn't there waiting for you.
"Where's Michael?" You asked the driver, because as soon as the door was shut behind you the car started moving. "He's meeting you there ma'am." "Meeting me where?" You asked this question several times and never got an answer from the driver. Eventually you just accepted the fact that you weren't getting an answer and moved on. You looked out the window, parts of the London skyline coming into view. When the car finally came to a stop, the driver got out and opened the door for you. You were outside London's famous KoKo venue, where the boys had played some of their first shows in the UK. You had no idea why you were brought here, but you knew that you weren't going to get any answers from anyone. When you walked into the venue, you went in the back entrance thanks to the driver. The only person standing inside was your Dad, of all people. "Dad?! What in the world are you doing here? What's going on?" "Good to see you too sweetie. You'll see, I promise." He held out his arm to you, and you walked out onto the stage. There waiting for you, was Michael in his tux with the boys behind him in matching suits. Your best friends were on the other side of the pastor, who looked like he had a bible in his hands. That's when it you, Michael had planned a secret wedding all without you knowing and had gotten all of your friends and family were here. How in the world had he planned this without you knowing?
"Oh my god.. Michael..." You breathed out, and once you reached the end of the "aisle" your Dad gave you away to Michael and went to join all of your family in the crowd. "I can't believe you Michael." "You love me Becca and you know it." "A surprise wedding?" "You are marrying me aren't you?" You rolled your eyes as he kissed you on the cheek, and you turned to the pastor. He began the vows, and you turned to look at Michael several times, who whenever you looked at him he was looking at you like you were the only thing in his world. You were still trying to wrap your head around the fact that you were at your wedding, this was your wedding day, and Michael had planned it all as a surprise to you. He definitely had gone above and beyond in trying to plan it, and bringing all your friends and family to you. "Do you, Michael, take Becca to be your beloved wife, to have and for all the days of your life?" the pastor said to Michael, snapping you out of your daze. "I, Michael, take you, Becca, to be my beloved wife, to have and to hold you, to honor you, to treasure you, to be at your side in sorrow and in joy, in the good times, and in the bad, and to love and cherish you always. I promise you this from my heart, for all the days of my life." As Michael looked into your eyes and said those words to you, you knew he had always been the right man for you. Once he finished it was your turn to recite the same words back to him. "I now pronounce you man and wife. Michael, you may kiss your bride!" Michael took these words with enthusiasm and dipped you down and kissed you. Once you came up, the clapping took over and you looked up at your knew husband. You definitely had a new appreciation for the London rain, all thanks to Michael.

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