he is protective

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The look in his eyes tells me to be careful of the guy next to me. I gently shove the stanger who was drunkenly hanging off of me, half his body draped over mine. Ashton was on the other side of our circle of friends with his arms relaxed at his sides and a wary look in his eyes. ‘I’m fine,’ i mouth to him telling him not to worry, that i know what i’m doing and i can handle myself around some stupid drunk frat boys. Ashton and i had gotten invited to a party on campus but only knew maybe a handful of people and it was a huge party. This particular sorority was notorious for everyone getting blackout drunk and Ashton, being the protective and loving boyfriend he is, told me to watch out and be careful. 

I gingerly piced up the drunk guy’s arm and flung it across his own body as he looks up at me wondering who moved him. He sees me and smiles, licking his lips and suddenly he can’t take his eyes off my breasts. I roll my eyes and head for the bathroom after letting Ash know, only to see that it was already occupied. I stand against the opposite wall, trying not to pee my damn pants. What is taking them so long. I hear a long moan that answers my question. I huff and turn around looking for another bathroom when i slam into the clingy drunk guy head on. 

"Shit! sorry i didnt mea-" my sentence was cut off by his huge hand as he pushes me against the wall. I try to wriggle my out of his grasp but he’s too big and too strong. Muffled sounds came form my lips but they weren’t enough to be heard over keg chants and loud music. 

Next thing i know, the guy is being tossed across the hallway, stumbling on his ass with Ashton standing in front of him. 

"I never want to see you near her again do you hear me? You can tell everyone else at this party too while you’re at it, asshole." Ashton’s voice was deep and menacing and shaking with anger. 

"Ashton," i whisper, falling into his arms and hugging him tight. "thank you so much i’m sorry i shouldn’t have gone alone thank you." i say, crying into his shoulder. 

"Shh, baby it’s ok, you’re safe now. I had a feeling he was going to follow you the second you got up. Lets’ go ok? We can call Michael to pick us up come on." 

"I love you so much," I tell him, grapsing his hand and lacing his fingers with mine.

"I love you too baby." he kisses my forehead as we step outside to wait for Michael.   

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