Calum imagine

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“Babe?” Calum whispers. I turn over on my side, pulling the blankets over my head. “Babe.”  He repeats, poking my covered side. I ignore him and try to focus on falling back asleep until he starts to poke every inch of my body. “Danie! Wake up.”
“Calum.” I warn. The pokes stop and I snuggle into the warmth of blankets surrounding me. That is until the blankets are ripped off my body, my eyes snapping as the cool air hits my body and I’m flung over my boyfriends shoulder. “Calum!” I shriek, tugging the hem of his my shirt down my legs. At my movements, he grips onto my legs a little tighter. “Don’t you dare drop me Hood.” He scoffs as I hold onto the waist band of his shorts. 
“I’ve got you Danie.” He tells me reassuringly. “But if you pull my pants down, then you go down too.” He adds, chuckling slightly. I smack his bare back with my palm and his chuckles turn into full blown laughter, bouncing off the hotel walls. He walks down the hallway and onto the adjoining balcony before putting me on my feet, the cold tiles instantly sending a chill through my body. I wrap one arm around my body and rub at my eyes with the free one, trying to wake myself up a bit more. Calum’s hands grip onto my shoulders and he turns me around so I’m staring out at the city. Bright lights sparkle from the buildings that are lit up and it’s only now that I realise the sun is starting to rise. I glance over my shoulder to see Calum smiling.
“Dance with me?” He asks. I furrow my eyebrows before looking between him and the city. “It’ll still be there. Promise.” I can’t help but smile at him as grabs my hand and twirls me around. Giggles escape my lips as he puts a hand on my waist and attempts to waltz. It’s not properly because neither of us knows how to waltz but its close enough. He twirls me again before bring me back and pulling me even closer.
“This isn’t you – ”
“I’m not asking you to marry me” He laughs. “Not yet anyway. Eventually, but not today Danie.”
I feel my body relax slightly and he notices, laughing once again before spinning us both around and dipping me. 
“Is there a problem with that?” He asks, his eyebrows furrowing. I shake my head. “Good.” He grins, pressing a kiss to my nose. He stops dancing but continues to hold my close. “It’s more of a thank you, for putting up with not only me but the boys too. And not jumping to conclusions when fans start rumours about groupies. And for picking up the phone when I call you at three in the morning, for coming on tour, for putting up with my jetlag and the constant moving. It’s not enough, not near enough, and I can’t really thank you for it as much as I’d like.”  
I feel tears brim my eyes and have to shake my head, bitting on my bottom lip to stop them from falling. He laughs at me and gathers the tears with him thumb.  Calum nudges my side, motioning for me to turn back to the view. The sun climbs higher and higher in the sky, bathing the city in oranges and pinks and one by one the lights on the buildings start to turn off. 
“It’s gorgeous.” I murmur, trying not to disturb the silence, as I lean against the balcony railing. 
“I know something better.” Calum shrugs. I glance over at him and feel my cheeks heat up once I realise he’s staring at me. He winks at me and I move closer to him, burying into his side as his arm wraps around my shoulder.
“Glad you got out of bed?” He asks.
“Honestly I would’ve got out no matter what.” I admit.
He lets his cheek rest against the top of mine. “And why’s that?”
“You asked me to.” 
I feel him smile before he kisses my head. “I love you.”
“You’re okay I guess.” I shrug, smirking as I look up at him.
He stares at me, wide eyed and shocked causing me to burst out laughing. His wide eyes don’t last long though cause a moment later, he’s playfully glaring at me and I slip out from under his arm, darting into the hotel room.
“Danie!” He yells trying to hide his laughter. He’s hot on my heels and I scramble around the corner. His arms wrap around my waist and he spins us around before backing me up against the wall. “Say it back.” He pouts, his hands either side of my head.
“Or what?” I challenge, cocking my head to the side.
He licks his lips before lunging at me and pressing his lips to every inch of my face. “Say it back!” He yells playfully, squeals escaping my lips. I put my hands on his chest and try to push him back but he grabs them, pinning them above my head and continuing to kiss my face. “Say it Danie.”
“I love you!” I squeal. His lips freeze against my jaw. “I love you.” I breathe. “I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I lo-”
I’m cut off by his lips and he loosens his grip on my hands, entwining our fingers together.
“I love you more.” He mumbles against my lips.

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