Preference: Cute Moment With The Children

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Luke: He held the small newborn is his large arms. His eyes were glazed over with tears while yours were shut. Remney, the newborn baby girl, looked up at him with bright crystal blue eyes, and rosy red cheeks. She was beautiful. He shifted her in his arms so that he could see her face. “Hey baby Remney, it’s your daddy. Mommy is asleep right now, she’s tired out from bringing you into this world. You are going to grow up to be so beautiful. You could grow up to be anything you want, you could be a photographer, an author, or even a cashier and your mommy and I would love you so much.” A couple of tears fell down his face as he gave his speech. He still couldn’t believe it, he was a dad and he had a daughter and that he was holding her in his arms right now. It was unreal. And he couldn’t be happier

Ashton: “Hey dad, I need some advice.” Your 16 year old son hopped up onto the bar stool and folded his hands. “What do you need Malakee?” “So, Carly and I are like really good friends. And I also kind of really like her…” He ran his hand through his hair and looked up towards Ashton. Ashton put down his tea mug realizing this was not a topic to be taken lightly. “So, what you are asking is should I ask her out? Or should I see what happens?” “That is exactly what I’m asking! What do you think I should do? I mean, Carly has been my best friend since kindergarten. And I really don’t want to lose her.” “Personally, I think you should hang out with her and see if she likes you. But don’t come right out and ask it. Make it subtle by asking questions like who her crush is, what does she like in a guy.” “Is that what you did with mom?” “That is exactly what I did with your mom.” “Thanks dad, I know I treat you like crap, but I couldn’t ask for a better dad.” And he left the kitchen, as the tears formed in Ashton’s eyes

Michael: He strummed the first few chords of ‘Beside You’. “Hey Dad. I have a question.” “What’s up Brealie?” “I really want to learn how to play the guitar.” Tears, instantly sprung to Michael’s eyes. After, 14 years his daughter finally asked him to teach her the guitar, and it made him so happy. “Alright, just let me go get a guitar from the room.” “Actually, I already brought one down here.” She lifted up the one you had bought him for your second Christmas as a couple. He laughed and picked his guitar back up. “So first, hold the pick like this.” Your daughter positioned her fingers as he did. “To play an A hold this string down.” And so she did. For the next two months, they practiced every single day and she learned how to play ‘Try Hard’. Presenting it for him on his birthday, at their concert.

Calum: “Dad! Mommy is in big twouble, she did something very very bad.” He looked down at the small four year old. “Oh and what did she do that was very very bad, Daisy.” “She ate the baby! I really wanted a baby brother, dad!!” She busted into tears and ran away, Calum immediately chasing after her. “Daisy, mommy didn’t do anything wrong. She didn’t eat the baby. Here let’s have story time.” He picked her up, sat on a chair, and sat her on his lap. “Mommy has a baby inside of her tummy, and in about 2 months mommy will have the baby come out of her stomach. And then you will have a baby brother.” “Wait, so mommy didn’t have eat my baby brother?” “No, sweetie! I promise she didn’t.” She jumped off his lap and ran off to her bedroom, coming back with crayons and construction paper. “Well, if she didn’t eat the baby. I need to make a welcome home card for the baby.” And with that Calum gave her a smile and started helping her make the card.

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