Preference#2 They are leaving for tour

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Luke: "Luke. Baby. You have to get up. Come on!" you say to Luke who is passed out next to you all cuddled up to you, seeming like he doesn't want to let you go.

"But I don't want to leave you." he says and cuddles into you further while kissing your neck lightly.

"I know. I don't want you to leave either. But this is your dream, remember. You have to go." you say while pulling his face up to yours and kissing him softly. "Please get up for me."

He gets up and then you two head to the airport. You see the plane was here and the others were there. You go down the line and hug each of them and say goodbye and good luck and when you get to Luke, you just jump on him. 

"I'm going to miss you so much baby." he says while tears start to fall down his face. He hugs you even tighter not letting any space be between you two. You play with his hair at his neck and just kiss his neck softly multiple times.

"I'm going to miss you to. But go. This is your dream. I couldn't be more proud! I love you." you say letting go of him and having everyone in for a group hug! 

"I love you guys. Go have fun and kick ass."

Ashton: "Ashton. You know I love you right?" you said to him while he was looking out the window at the airport waiting for their plane to arrive to take them to London.

"Of course. I love you to." He says while turning around and wrapping you in a giant hug.

Thats when you couldn't hold in your tears anymore. You just let them fall onto his shoulder. 

"Babe. Please don't cry. Its only 3 months. You know that." he says while he pulls away and wipes the tears away from your face.

"But thats 3 months of not seeing you. 3 months of not kissing you. 3 months of not cuddling with you. " you say wiping your tears with your baggy sweatshirt.

"I know. But I have to go now! I love you so much (y/n). Please don't forget that." he says and kisses you ever so softly and heads to his plane, where he just let the tears fall.

Calum: "Please don't go. Please?" you whined to Calum while you were at the airport with him and the rest of the boys sitting at the bench that was next to their gate. They were finally leaving for their 3 month tour. 

"You know I have to. I am going to miss you so much. I love you." Calum said while placing his lips to your forehead. You just let him wrap you in a giant bear hug never wanting to let go. You feel your tears soaking through his shirt.

"I have to go now. But I will text you when we land. I love you!" Calum says one more time before he turns around and waves to you while the plane door closes.

Michael: You watch as Michael finishes packing his final things. 5SOS is finally going on their 5 month tour. You couldn't be any prouder. You were best friends with them all before they became famous. You encouraged them to go on and pursue their dream. They couldn't repay you enough.

"You all set Mikey!" you say while walking in and sitting on the bed next to his suitcase.

"Yup. You know I am going to miss you so much, right?" he says while he closes the suitcase and sighs.

"I know. I am going to miss you to! But you guys are going to have so much fun! I mean who wouldn't! But don't forget about me."

"You know I could never forget about you." Michael says while he places a kiss on your forehead and heads towards the door and walks out to the car thats taking them to the airport. He turns around and waves and yells, "I LOVE YOU."

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