Car accident with a slice of engagement-Calum Hood imagine.

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Calum was late again. He was meant to be picking you up to go on a little date since you two hadn’t been getting along recently but he never turned up. You walked all around the house making yourself busy just hoping that he would knock on your door. After an hour you gave up, anger bubbling inside you when you put some old clothes on. 

You returned to your couch the television becoming the next best thing for your mood. You sat there when your phone rang, you picked it up expecting it to be Calum when a lady’s voice rang through. 

‘Hello?’ You answered ‘Do you recognise the name Calum Hood?’ She said straight away not bothering to reply to your welcome. ‘Yes.’ You sounded out slowly. ‘What relation does he have to you?’ She asked, ‘He’s my boyfriend.’ You replied. Your heard her huff, ‘I’m going to have to run through some security questions when you get here.’ She said, ‘Get where?’ You asked ‘Calum Hood has been in a car accident. He is not conscious and is seeking serious medical help. He will be in room 29 when you get here.’ The lady spoke as you quickly got shoes on before rushing out the door. ‘Okay thank you.’ You said hanging up. 

As soon as you got there, someone handed you pieces of paper to fill out. ‘We don’t really know who he is.’ The lady said, ‘All he had on him was his phone which had you as an emergency contact and this.’ She handed you a small box, you looked up at her with your eyes wide. She smiled before walking back to her desk. 

You quickly moved yourself to Calum’s room quietly opening the door. The sight bought tears to your eyes straight away, his body laying there with scratches all over. Things hooked up to both arms, stuff coming out of all areas. 

‘Cal..’ You said softly even though you knew he wouldn’t reply. You walked over to him sitting on the seat placed near his bed. Gently you grabbed his hand holding it whilst you cried. The realisation of everything catching up with you. 

Then you remembered the box, you hadn’t even looked inside. Quickly you pulled it out of your pocket slowly opening it up. You saw one of the most beautiful rings in there, it had a tiny slip of paper above it ‘Will you marry me?’ It read and you felt more tears come to your eyes, you picked up the ring examining it. On the inside there was ‘Forever.’ engraved on it. You placed it on your ring finger letting it slide down towards your knuckle. 

‘Yes, yes of course I’ll marry you,’ You whispered looking down at your hand. ‘You will?’ You heard someone say you looked towards the door thinking it was a nurse but there was no one there. You slowly turned your head towards Calum, his eyes starring at you. 

‘Calum..’ you squeaked a big smile rushing to your face. ‘Your awake?’ You stood up wanting to hug him but not wanting to hurt him you stayed standing. ‘You actually said yes..’ Calum said in shock. ‘Yes of course I’ll marry you!’ You smiled at him as you watched his smile grow bigger. ‘On one condition.’ You said sternly pointing at him, ‘Anything.’ Calum said looking up at you, ‘Do not scare me like that again.’ You smiled and Calum nodded. ‘I love you.’ You whispered pecking his lips. 

‘Good, because I love you too.’ Calum smiled his eyes slowly closing. ‘You said yes..’ he whispered before his shut completely. You nodded as happy tears rolled down your face. 

His heart monitor starting getting louder, making you look up. ’ Calum?’ You shouted but there was no response. You shouted for a doctor or a nurse, pressing all the buttons you could find. Loads of people rushed in all in blue and white as they crowded around Calum’s bed. You heard various conversations coming from everyone. ‘His heartbeat is slowing down.’ someone shouted. You sobbed standing on the sideline, your legs shaking. ‘This can’t be real.’ You kept repeating, you felt two hands on your shoulders. ‘Calum?’ You asked looking up but it as a nurse guiding you out. ‘No! Please’ You begged, ‘I want to stay with him. I have to stay with him.’ You shook her hands off you. You saw someone placing there hands on Calum’s chest, pushing down on it like they were doing CPR. 

‘What are they doing?’ You asked your vision blurry. ‘He is struggling to stay alive,’ the nurse said in a sweet voice, ‘We’re doing everything we can.’ she said, ‘Do more!’ You shouted at her, your voice was full of emotion that made it sound like a baby girl. 

‘I’m not getting any response.’ A doctor shouted, ‘Please..’ you begged ‘please don’t die.’ You spoke but you saw people walking out the room. You looked towards his bed, and you saw someone looking up at the clock. ‘Time of death 21:43’ they spoke, you quickly got up running toward him. ‘No!’ You shouted as you sobbed. ‘No..’ your voice became quieter. You hugged him, this time you didn’t care if it would hurt him. ‘You can’t leave me.’ You said, ‘We were going to get married.’ you carried on ‘This isn’t the forever that you promised! This isn’t meant to happen.’ You cried. You crawled onto the hospital bed, lying next to him like you used to do. This time though you couldn’t hear his heart beat. His chest wasn’t moving up and down. His hand wasn’t playing with you hair. He just lay there his body cold like stone. ‘Forever.’ You whispered as you closed your eyes. You moved your hand up touching the engagement ring, twisting it round your finger. ‘Forever isn’t long enough’

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