Camping (Ashton Imagine)

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ou had to admit, you hated camping. Maybe it was the bugs, maybe it was the lack of working plumbing nearby or maybe it was the loss of any and all internet connection. Whatever it was, the weather, the nature, whatever, you hated it. So when three of your friends had asked you to come camping with them for a weekend, your answer was a resolute no. But after countless puppy dog faces, hours of persuading and the promise of several hot boys, you, however reluctantly, agreed to go with.

So there you were, sitting on a log with your knees tucked in as you watched a bon fire crackle in front of you, your friends, along with another group of young adults you had met, around you, sufficiently inebriated from several beers.

“Hey! Anybody up for some music?!” a tan, dark haired boy called in an Aussie accent, stood to full height and then some because of the log he was standing on. Everyone cheered as the boy fetched an acoustic bass guitar, setting himself up on a log as three other boys joined him. Your eyes scanned across the boys for a moment as people shouted out song requests and the nimble fingers of the boys performed familiar twists to tune their instruments.

They all looked to be about your age and all four of them were very attractive. At least your friends hadn’t lied about the hot boys. The first two, a lanky blonde and a shaggy haired boy with beautifully full lips, held guitars and were sat next to the boy who had initially suggested music and was now picking lightly and absentmindedly on the bass.

The last boy though… he caught your eye. He was incredibly attractive, with a bright eyed, dimply, completely infectious smile spread across his face as he gave off a girly giggle that could clearly be heard from where you were. As he scanned over the group, tapping lightly on the Cajon he was seated on, he caught your gaze, doing a double take to look back at you and give you a warm smile.

Throughout a couple of songs his eyes would continually land on you, his grin spreading a little as he kept the beat on the Cajon, the word “Ash” taped on the front panel he was beating incredibly long fingers on.

“Alright! Does anybody have any song requests?” The boy called, looking right at you, his dimples cutting into his cheeks.

“I want to hear you sing!” You called through a moment of courage, smiling back at the curly haired boy. Throughout every previous song the other three had taken the lead as the curly haired boy continued to pound on his box. He let out the high pitched giggle you had already fallen in love with, gesturing for you to come over. You rose off of the log, going up to the boy as he stood from the drum box. He was taller than you and well built, the tank top he was wearing showing off his well built arms.

“I’ll sing if you keep the beat, love,” he said, gesturing for you to sit on the box. You blushed a little, shaking your head and trying to return to your seat but the boy caught your hand, pulling you back towards the rest of the band.

“C’mon love, it’s fine! I’ll sit behind you and help!”

“I don’t know how! I don’t even know your name!” you insisted, looking up into his persisting and energetic green eyes, pretending to resist but you really wanted to let him sit behind you, his legs on either side of you, his breath fanning down your neck gently as he held your hands and guided you through a drum beat.

“I’m Ashton,” he grinned. So that’s what “Ash” meant.

“(Y/N),” you responded, relaxing a little as you let him guide you over to the Cajon. He let you take a seat on it as he moved a plastic chair behind you, a little close for what you expected someone you had just met would do. Just as you had hoped, he moved his legs on either side of you, his warm chest pressing lightly against your back as his hands ran gently down your arms, his massive fingers enclosing around your small hands. The crowd around you gave a high pitched “Ooh”, especially your friends, resulting in a giggle and blush from you and Ashton.

“Don’t listen to them love,” he murmured in your ear, his voice softening to a whisper and his warm lips brushing lightly against your ear, sending a slight shiver down your spine. Ashton guided you through a simple drum beat, teaching you where to hit to get a certain sound from the box.

“Alright, you ready love?” he asked and you nodded, giving a slight shrug.

“As I’ll ever be I guess,” you chuckled, looking back at him as you pulled your hair over your shoulder.

“Alright lads! This is Ocean Avenue by Yellowcard!” Ashton called, lifting his hands in the air enthusiastically as the rest of the group cheered you on. Ashton’s hand returned over yours as the other boys began to play and Ashton guided you through the drum beat, his hands clutching onto yours.

Everyone cheered as the boys played through the song, Ashton singing in your ear with the voice of an angel.

As the boys finished, everyone cheered, clapping and grinning as they returned to their conversations. Ashton’s grin was definitely the widest out of everyone’s as he pulled back a little from you. You turned to face him, giving a meager and slightly disbelieving chuckle, your heartbeat thumping slightly in your chest, accelerating.

“(Y/N) you are a natural!” Ashton chuckled, slapping his massive hands to his knees resolutely.

“Well I had a great teacher for the past 15 minutes,” you responded flirtily, licking your lips as your eyes flicked down to Ashton’s lips, wondering what he would do if you just leaned forward and kissed him. He watched you for a moment, his eyes scanning over your features as his smile softened and his eyes met with yours once again.

“You’re really beautiful,” he murmured, causing a raging blush to flare across your cheeks, your gaze falling down to watch your hands twist in your lap.

“Thank you,” you muttered. He chuckled slightly at your reaction, wondering how in the world he was already so infatuated with you when he had only met you 20 minutes ago.

“(Y/N), do you mind if I say something honest here?” Ashton asked, his voice dropping even though people had resumed their conversations and were paying no attention to you and Ashton. You peeked up at him through your bangs, the stray strands of hair slightly blocking your vision. Ashton stuttered for a moment, giving a gentle chuckle before reaching out and tucking the stray piece of hair behind your ear, his hand lingering for a moment.

“This may sound weird, but the second I saw you, I knew I wanted you to be a part of my future,” Ashton said, staring intently to watch your reaction. You felt that if it had been anybody else you would have walked away, but for some reason you trusted this boy. And you knew exactly what he was talking about because you had felt the same way.

It had literally been love at first sight.  

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