One Shot- Surprising Ashton

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Ashton’s flight to LA from Sydney was due to arrive any minute now. You had flown from your city yesterday, and had already checked into the hotel. You couldn’t wait to see your boyfriend, who had been visiting his family in Australia for the past few weeks. You had so much to catch up on- besides, you hadn’t seen him since before his surgery, and you needed to shower him in delayed kisses and cuddles (as well as seeing for yourself whether his belly-button looked as weird as he claimed).

As your taxi pulled up to the airport, you saw a group of fans waiting by the doors. You knew they were fans of your boyfriend’s band from their outfits. You strolled up towards the group of girls, whispering ‘hi!’ A few girls got photos with you, and asked you questions about Ash, and your relationship. But you asked them not to tweet about you being there or anything, as you wanted to surprise Ash. He was expecting you to be waiting at the hotel for him, as you had both arranged. You knew he’d be tired, though, and you knew that even though they were always polite to fans who waited outside the airports, sometimes it was hard work for them when all they wanted to do was get back to the hotel and relax. So you figured you’d hide amongst the fans, and see how long it took for your boyfriend to notice. The girls helped you by not tweeting and even helping you get into character- one girl gave you a bandana to wear and you even helped to hold a sign a few of the girls had made.

After half an hour of waiting, the girls at the front of the line screamed, and your stomach flipped. You were so excited to see Ashton, but you were even more excited to see his reaction to your little surprise. You caught a glimpse of him through the crowd, as he and his bandmates took photos with their fans and signed autographs. Slowly, he made his way to where you were standing, and the girls around you were really excited, pulling their phones out and trying to get his attention. Ashton was trying to make sure everybody got a photo, he was on auto-pilot, simply sticking his head next to each girl and getting the photo, before he said thanks and moved on. He always wished he had more time for conversation, but he’d rather have a short moment with every fan than have to leave some people out.

So when he simply shoved his head next to yours, you didn’t know what to do. Some of the fans laughed at your silly boyfriend, so you went with it. Putting your phone in selfie mode, you waited for Ash to notice that the girl in the picture with him was, in fact, his girlfriend. And when he did, you snapped that exact moment.

"That one is going in a frame" you said, giggling at his shocked face and your laughing face. 

"(Y/N)!" he shouted, and held you tight. You had missed his hugs; the way he smelled and the stubble grazing the top of your head as he pulled you closer. "I’ve missed you." he said, pulling out of the hug to look at you. He suddenly forgot where he was, and placed a sweet kiss on your lips, to a chorus of ‘awww!’s from the fans.

He soon finished meeting his fans, but that evening, when you checked twitter, you noticed that the fandom was going crazy after a girl uploaded a vine of you surprising Ash.

"(Y/N) is the best girlfriend ever" said Ashton, reading the comments. "Ashton and (Y/N) is my OTP!" he said, smiling. "I agree with them." he said, holding you tight.

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