He Scares You (Verbally)

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//irwin//: Ashtons voice rang through the house. “What the hell were you thinking?! You can’t just go out on your own like that without telling anyone! Anything could’ve happened to you!” Angry Ashton always frightened you. Because when Ashton was angry his eyes would sink into a dark colour, his voice would get louder, and his accent would become thicker. “Fucking say something, already!!” He yells, putting a hand in the air. Ashton stops yelling once he sees you flinch. He immediately puts his hand down and comes towards your shaking body. But once he takes a step towards you, you step back. “I scared you, didn’t I?” His voice coming out shaky. You slowly nodded. “I’m a monster.” Ashton says as he sits down on the couch. “You’re not a monster, Ashton” “Yes I am, I’m supposed to protect you. Not scare you.” He says. “It’s my fault, I’m the one who went out for a long time without telling anyone. I’m sorry, baby” “I’m sorry for yelling at you. Love you.” “I love you too, Ashton”

//clifford//: You and Michael have been fighting a lot for the past couple of weeks. It’s been about stupid little things but tonight’s argument was going too far. There was name calling, yelling, and broken objects. “Just shut the fuck up (Y/N) ! Jesus Christ! Why do you always have t-” He stopped his sentence once he saw you crying. Michael rushes towards you. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” He repeated while hugging you. “I didn’t mean to scare you…or make you cry. I’m sorry” After that sentence, Michael picks you up and caries you to bed. He tucks you in and lays down. You feel him touch your thigh and you flinch. “I scare you now.” “You don’t scare me” “Yes I do! I made you cry! And I can’t even touch you without you flinching.” You took his hand and put it into yours. “Can we stop fighting?” He nods. “Yeah, I want you to feel loved not feared.” 

//hemmings//: “It’s like you don’t even love me anymore!” You shout. It’s been another night of fighting for you too. “Don’t you ever say that I don’t love you!” Luke yells as he throws a cup. “Why don’t you get it! I try so hard to make you happy, I sacrifice my career for you and you say that I don’t love you anymore!?” He stomps forward to you. You flinched and stood back. He’s just so much bigger, and taller than you, it made you frightened. “L-Luke” His face softened once he heard you whisper his name. “Baby….no no no.” He hugs you tightly in his arms. “I didn’t mean to scare you, I love you so much.” “I know you do, Luke. I shouldn’t have said that.” You hear him sigh softly. “I shouldn’t have made it seem like I don’t love you by being so distant, and I should never scare you like that. I’m sorry.” You try to hug him tighter. “I’m sorry too. I love you” “I love you too, (Y/N)”

//hood//: You and Calum have been fighting for an hour now. You’ve finally had enough and tried to leave the house. But once you opened the door, you felt Calum grab your shoulder. “Hey! Where the fuck do you think you’re going?!” He yells. You feel your heart jump. Calum let’s go, he must have seen you jump. “I-I’m sorry” He says as he takes steps back. “I scared you…” You close the door and turn towards him. Calum walks back towards you with his arms spread. But once he did you stepped back and bumped into the door. “Ow” Calum stops walking. “I didn’t mean to scare you..now you hate me” You’re body relaxes. “I would never hate you.” He looks up at you. “You don’t?” You smile at him “I love you” He hugs you. “I’m so sorry for scaring you, and yelling at you. I love you too.”

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