How he comforts you when you're sad

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He'll lays with you, his arms trapping loosely around your waist as he makes small circles at your back. You smile at this comfort, knowing Calum is the only one to know how to properly calm you down.
He wrappes his arms around your body. He holds you close, whispering sweet nothings into your ear until your crys are slow down. "I'll always be there for you if you're sad"he says before kissing your forhead.
He makes you a cup of hot chocolate with those cute little marshmallows you like so much. He then wrappes blankets around the both of you and holds you close to him.
He let's you cry on his shoulder until you can't anymore.
When you're done he puts in the movie Frozen, even tho the both of you watched it a billion times. Near the end of the movie your eyelids feel heavy and you fall asleep in his arms.

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