Ashton Imagine

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I turn over for the fifth time and I groan loudly, rolling over and I turn on the lamp and Ashton squints, “Ugh, baby what’s wr-” “I cant sleep…” “Alright well shut off the light and lay back down and I’ll help you get back to sleep.” I turn off the light and he holds my hands, “Alright baby, relax…” He kisses my forehead and puts his leg over the both of mine and he kisses my head, “Good girl…” He pushes my hair behind my ear and I touch his arm, “Ashton…” “Shhh, just relax, take some deep breaths for me.” He kisses my cheek, “Shhhh…” He strokes my hair and he rests his chin at the top of my head as he gently holds me close to his chest.

       He falls asleep quickly, snoring loudly and I pull away from him, sighing and I pick up a book from off the floor and I start trying to read but Ashton’s snoring way too loudly so I just throw the book down and I get out of bed and walk downstairs. I go into the kitchen and I get some water out of the fridge and I sigh, sitting at the kitchen table all alone as I put my head in my hands and I sink, putting my head on the top of my arms and trying to focus on the wall in order to fall asleep.

 Ashton comes walking down the stairs an hour or so later, “Baby? You up?” I sit up and he walks into the kitchen, seeing me and he frowns, “You still cant fall asleep?” “I really cant.” He grabs his keys from the bowl on the kitchen table, “Lets go some place then.” “Ash its late-” “Cmon.” He grabs my hand and helps me up as he grabs my coat and puts it over my shoulders as we walk out into the night air and he opens the door for me as I get into his car.

       He gets in the car and turns to the backseat and gets a blanket, spreading it over me and he kisses my head, “Relax okay? You’re gonna fall asleep in no time, I promise.” “Probably not Ash…I dont know why but I’m just so awake and-” “Shhh…dont worry, just lay back.” I pull the blanket up under my chin and I stare out the window as Ashton pulls out of the drive-way and speeds along the road.

      My eyelids get heavy as Ashton’s soothing voice keeps reassuring me, “Isnt this nice? You look so comfortable…would you like me to slow down? You’re safe with me…I love you…” I smile over at him and yawn, “I love you too Ashton.” He pats my leg, “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” I smile sleepily, yawning again and I stretch, “Mm…” I curl up against the car’s leather seating and I shut my eyes, I feel Ashton pull over as he kisses my forehead and I slowly fall asleep.


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