Airport Goodbyes

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“I’ll be back soon, okay?” Ashton murmurs in your ear, holding you close and savoring these last few moments before he jets off to America for a few months. You nod, a single tear streaming down your cheek. You were blocking out the sounds of the fans screaming and shouting the boys’ names and just focusing on Ash. “I love you. Don’t forget about me.” He smirks, before giving you one last kiss and getting on the plane.


"Come on Cal, we really have to go." Luke says, grabbing his suitcase and standing about a meter behind his best friend. "One minute Luke." Calum sighed, snuggling further into your shoulder. "Call me everyday, okay? Promise?" He asked, kissing your neck. "I promise Cal, I promise. I love you so much." "I love you too princess." "Oh, and don’t find any better girls while you’re out there." You laugh. "How could I? Now I really have to go. Bye baby."


"Why can’t I come Daddy?" Your two year old daughter cried, resting her head on Luke’s shoulder. "Daddy has to go work, i’ll be back soon baby." He dropped his bag on the ground and wrapped his arm around her back. "I wanna come though." She whines, snuggling into his chest. "I know you do, i’m sorry baby girl." "But we can still talk to Daddy, right?" You say, trying to make her feel better. "Of course." Luke smiles, wrapping his arms around you both. "I love you both so much, see you soon."


You didn’t go to the airport to see Michael leave because you get too upset and there’s always paparazzi. All of the boys stayed over at yours and Michael’s house so they could leave together early in the morning. “I’m gonna miss you so much.” Michael says, wrapping his arms around your waist. “You too.” You sigh sadly, tears forming in your eyes. “Please don’t cry, please beautiful. I love you.”

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