Ice Skating

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The music was blaring in the hotel’s entertainment section. The 5 Seconds of Summer boys were near you for the final leg of their meet and greet tour and therefore they’d asked you to spend some time with them before they left. So, you were currently sitting on a beanbag while Luke and Michael were playing some zombie game that you kept trying to distract them from, to which they replied with mock annoyance. Ashton was making some Keek about the little room which was amazing him for some reason and Calum was flicking through the music. 
      ‘Don’t shoot that zombie, it looks like Cammy,’ you said, smirking as you pointed to one that was rushing towards their characters. 
      Before they could look at it though, everything went dark. You heard Calum curse lightly while Ashton giggled into the Keek and stopped recording so as to use his phone as a light.
      ‘Power cut,’ Michael stated, you could hear a groan in his voice.
      A few little lights popped up in the room. You smirked though, getting your own phone out and walking towards where the others were now standing around.
      ‘What’re we gonna do?’ Calum asked. You could just about make out his figure walking away from the group and towards the door into the reception area.
      You smirked before tugging Michael’s arm as he was next to you. You brushed passed Calum, beaming at him as you dragged him with you too. You could hear Luke and Ashton following. 
      ‘Where we going?’ Michael asked as you walked out of the reception and out into the open complex of the site. 
       ‘Ice skating,’ you said, before running off, still gripping him and Calum.
       You heard a few groans but laughed, seeing the light of the ice rink – power cut was obviously only in the hotel. 
       You pulled them into the ice rink and beamed at the receptionist as you all handed over the money for skate hire.
       ‘You’re gonna help me skate though, right?’ Michael asked, looking innocently at you as you walked around the corner to the skates.

‘It’s an hour’s wait, I’m afraid,’ the waiter said, folding a menu nervously. 
      You were currently standing just inside the doors of the restaurant with the 5 Seconds of Summer boys and your best friend – who’d been trying to get you to introduce her to them since you mentioned meeting Luke but had been busy every time you agreed to meet them. She’d suggested that you all went out for a meal at the new place that had opened around the corner to try it out. Unfortunately though, it looked like everyone else had had the same idea and were now causing a backlog in the line.
      You smiled politely at the waited before looking around at the others.
      ‘Shall we do something else?’ Luke asked, frowning slightly.
      Everyone else mumbled their agreement.
      ‘Thanks though,’ you said, turning to the waiter and shaking your head slightly. He nodded before moving to talk to the family who had been waiting behind you. 
      ‘Where to then?’ your best friend asked as you all stepped out into the evening breeze. She pulled her coat closer to her and walked a little ahead of everyone else, looking around the fronts of the other buildings. 
      It was only about six in the evening and you’d told your parents you wouldn’t need picking up until at least nine. You were therefore determined to find something to do. 
      ‘How about ice skating?’ Luke suggested. You turned around to see that he was pointing to the popup rink in the centre of the car park. 
      You looked over to your best friend with a smirk as she squealed in excitement, grabbing hold of Michael’s hand and pulling him towards the rink with her. Ashton and Calum were laughing at Michael’s confused looks over his shoulder while Luke was frowning.
      ‘Did I say something wrong?’ he asked as you all started to follow the running two. 
      You smiled slightly, squeezing his hand lightly while shaking your head. ‘She loves ice skating more than your music,’ you explained.
      He relaxed at that comment, smirking slightly before pulling you to run.

‘You’re almost there, Viola,’ you said, beaming at her as she skated carefully towards you. 
      You were at the nearest ice rink with your best friend and Viola. You’d agreed to help teach Viola to skate – it was something that she’d wanted to learn since seeing the Winter Olympics – and were therefore trying to get her to skate towards you, away from the barrier. Your best friend was leaning on the barrier, smirking over at you as you fidgeted slightly on the spot, getting a little bored of the slow pace of the skating. 
      ‘Can I be a figure skater yet?’ Viola asked, stumbling into you. 
      You smiled kindly down at her as she grinned up at you. 
      ‘You need a partner for that I think,’ you heard the familiar voice of Calum say. 
      You spun around. The 5 Seconds of Summer boys were slowly making their way onto the ice, all looking a little terrified at the prospect of being on the ice. You smirked, glancing at Viola to check that she was stable, before skating over to them. You gripped Luke’s arm as he stumbled slightly onto the ice.
       ‘What’re you doing here?’ you asked, smiling as Luke quickly grabbed hold of the barrier but thanked you for the help. 
       ‘Could ask you the same thing,’ Calum said with a slight chuckle. You turned to face him, noticing that your best friend was now behind Viola, making sure that she didn’t fall over. 
      ‘She’s my personal instructor,’ Viola said, puffing her chest out slightly with a proud smile on her face. ‘And you interrupted my lesson,’ she said, pouting now and folding her arms across her chest.
      You smiled as Calum pouted slightly in reply. ‘I want lessons too though,’ he said.
      ‘How about Calum acts as your partner?’ you said, smirking over at him. The boys were chuckling now. 
       Calum went to skate next to you but slipped slightly. You caught his arm just in time to stop him falling. 
      Viola frowned. ‘I wanna work with someone who’s good,’ she said, causing the boys to laugh harder.

‘You ready yet?’ you asked, leaning on the hotel room’s doorframe. 
      You were waiting for the boys to finish getting ready so you could go to the ice rink which was down the road. After a conversation about them not having been in a while or ever – you couldn’t remember who’d said what – you’d agreed to take them all if they had a minute to spare. So, when Ashton texted you saying to meet them at the hotel with the stuff to go skating, you’d been out the door and on your way to meet them quicker than your family’d expected you to be on a Saturday morning. 
      ‘We gonna need gloves?’ Luke asked, walking passed you as Ashton passed him another pair – he already had one sticking out the pocket of his jacket.
      ‘If you wanna keep your fingers,’ you said, smirking slightly as his eyes widened.
       ‘Why aren’t you wearing any?’ Ashton asked, raising an eyebrow as he leant against the wall a short distance away from you. 
       ‘We’re not there yet,’ you said, smirking as the others crowded around him. ‘Finally,’ you breathed, before turning on your heel and starting out of the hotel and towards the rink.
       It really didn’t take that long to get there and before you knew it you were skating around, waiting for them to get their skates on. You had your eyes closed as you skated backwards – the rink was almost empty because of the winter fair which was going on a short distance away and had its own rink with it. 
       ‘Why do you make it look easy?’ you heard Ashton ask, making you open your eyes.
       You smirked slightly, looking over at him holding tightly onto the edge as he tried to get onto the ice. The other boys were already a short distance away from him. None of them looked particularly happy with the ice but Michael and Calum were attempting to skate away from the barrier and Luke was being overly cautious. 
      You shrugged, skating over to him to help. ‘It’s a talent,’ you said, smirking

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