Two Guys Fight Over You

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Ashton: “I want (Y/N) on my team!” Calum shouted, grabbing your forearm in a playful manner. You laughed, watching Ashton stare at Calum, shooting daggers with his eyes. “I don’t think so mate.” He said, grabbing your hand and pulling you gently towards him. “But she’s your girlfriend, and that’s an unfair advantage.” Calum pouted, trying to win Ash over, but to no avail would he budge. “That’s the point mate,” He said, not letting go of your hand. “One game with her, that’s all I ask.” Calum pleaded, making you laugh. “I’m really not that good at football.” You tried to reason but Calum wouldn’t hear any of it. “You’re a fantastic player, I want you on my team.” He said, still holding your forearm. You gave Ashton a look, one that delivered that you weren’t really getting out of this situation too easily and he sighed. “One game.” He said, rolling his eyes. You walked over to where Michael was standing, and gave him a high-five. “We’re going to kick his ass.” Michael exclaimed, making you roll your eyes. “You’re ass is mine (Y/N)!” Ashton called out across the field, stretching as Luke laughed. You stuck your tongue out, bending down to tie up your shoe. When you stood up, Calum had walked to the center of the field and dropped the football. You stood a bit to his left, Ashton coming up to stand in front of you. “You didn’t want to be on my team huh?” He purred, as you stood squarely in front of him. “Game on ladies and gents,” Calum said kicking the ball towards you, you turned your back on Ashton, and passed it to one of their friends who was on their team, running a little farther ahead. Calum kicked the ball to you after a little while, and you saw Ashton running faster toward you making you shriek and kick the ball hurriedly to the net. You continued to kick it until you felt a pair of hands on your waist, pull you back away from the ball making you shriek out in surprise and frustration. “So not fair!” You yelled, as Ashton merely laughed into your shoulder. Luke took the ball from you. You let out a rumble of frustration as he set you down on your feet. “Who said I would play fair?” Ashton said, squeezing your sides and running past you. You brushed a bit of hair out of your face, watching as he ran off, to take the football and attempt to score on Michael. You ran after him, Calum snickering as you jumped on his back, distracting him from the goal, and making him falter because of the new weight on his back. “Who said I’d play fair?” You said into his ear, repeating his previous words, just as Calum scored on his goalie. Ashton could only groan out in frustration as you laughed, hopping off his back, and sauntering away to your team.

Calum: It was lunch at school, and Calum followed you with his eyes as you sat down at your friends lunch table. You laughed as you unwrapped your sandwich, sighing as you caught sight of whatever kind it was. Calum was captivated by you, you’re presence sending him into nervous titters and embarrassing stumbles. He tried to stop staring at you because surely someone would notice but you were just so gorgeous that he couldn’t help it. It was his last year, as well as yours, and he figured now was as best time to ask you out on a date than anything. His attention was taken as Luke slid not so gracefully into the bench and grumbled as he hit his knee of off the table top. “I’m going to ask (Y/N) out” Calum announced to Luke. Luke stopped what he was doing and looked up. “You’re kidding right?” He asked, staring at Calum dumbfounded. “No, why would I?” Calum asked. “Because I was going to after school today.” Luke said, grabbing his sandwich. “I literally just announced it so it can’t happen.” Calum argued. “Luke give me this one please?” Luke sighed, shaking his head. “I think I have a chance man,” Luke argued. “She seems like she’s into me.” He added. “I think she likes me a little more. She lent me her notes for Chem. And she offered to study with me for the exam in a few weeks.” Calum said pleased. “We’re already studying for maths in a few days and her lockers close to mine so we always talk.” Luke said. “She’s way more into me.” Calum was growing steadily more angry by the passing minute. “Luke please stop being irrational. She is so into me beca-“ He was cut off when he saw Michael walk past your table and sit down at the table you were sitting, making all the girls look up. You shifted to the side to make room for him as he slipped in, draping a hand over your shoulders, and intermingling into your conversation with ease. Calum and Luke stared completely in awe, in anger, and in confusion as he swooped in and took what both of you were after. “You’re kidding right?” Luke asked, staring in the same confusion as Calum was. “I think she would be better off with me.” Calum said in annoyance. “I think she would be so much better off with me.” Luke grumbled, leaving the boys to sit in silence and dwell on the loss they just witnessed, and to ease their shattering hearts.

Luke: The bright lights of the bar were dancing around you, amongst the other dancers that were already on their way to being drunk and making awful decisions for the night, or were already there. You were on a date with Luke, something you two did once a weekend, and you decided to hit up the bar everyone was talking about. As you leaned against the bar talking to Luke and sipping your drink, you felt someone obnoxiously bump into you, making you stumble and turn your head in annoyance. You met eyes with a drunk man, his eyes having a glaze because of the alcohol and whatever other party drug he inflicted on himself; and a sinister smile crept onto his lips. “Why hello there gorgeous, come here.” He said, grabbing you by the hip to turn you around to face him. You fought against him, feeling Luke grab your forearm and pull you away from him and behind his body. “What the fuck man?” Luke yelled over the music. “And who are you?” The man slurred, pointing a finger at his chest. “Her boyfriend! Don’t fucking touch her!” Luke yelled, his body tense as he angrily yelled. The drunk man looked him up and down and snorted, before puffing up his chest. “You’re her boyfriend? And I’m Superman.” He said laughing obnoxiously. “Luke don’t bother, its fine!” You tried to reason but to no avail would he listen to you. “Step aside pretty boy, let me have a go with your girl. At least she’d enjoy herself for once.” He said, attempting to step closer to you. That was when you heard a crack, because Luke’s fist had connected with the guys face in an attempt to make him stop. He stumbled back, clutching the side of his face in drunken bewilderment and anger. “What the fuck?” He yelled, drawing the attention of on lookers now. “Don’t fucking touch her, do not insult her, and never ever make it seem that she is an object that you can have a go at.” Luke yelled at him, inching closer with his fist upraised. “She’s missing out. But if she likes small dicks in her life, and some jackass of a guy with her, than by all means co-“ The guy couldn’t finish his sentence because Luke had thrown another punch. Now you could see bouncers walking towards you two, and you tugged nervously at Luke’s arm. He turned around only to catch a punch on the side of his face, making you scream Luke stumbled into the bar. You saw two burly men grab both Luke and the drunk man and escort them to the door. You trailed after Luke, feeling the heavy weight of onlookers as you emerged outside where Luke was rubbing his jaw. You rushed up to him, running your fingers over his jaw and already feeling it swell. “I am so sorry!” You cried, embarrassed. “I chose to punch him babe. He doesn’t get to talk to you like that. Or even think about you like that.” You gave him half a smile before grabbing him around the waist and walking to your car, listening to Luke tell you how he would crush even the biggest man to protect you from whatever peril you were in. 

Michael: Michael was atop his horse, his armour gleaming in the sunlight. The horse snorted and kicked at the ground, urging to go forward. He had his lance tucked under his arm, the opponent doing the same. You clutched the armrest of your chair under the dais as you watched the scene unfold. This entire tournament was to win your hand. You Father was a noble lord within the castle, and your hand and maidenhead was enough to draw men from the farthest points of the country to compete for your love. And now it was down to the final two knights, Michael, Son of Clifford, and some other man that you were unfamiliar with. Your Mother sat to your left, and your Father to your right with thousands of spectators cheering both on. The ground was littered with flowers, tokens of love from blushing maids years to young to be betrothed. In a blink of an eye Michael lurched his horse forward, adjusting his lance just in time to knock the other knight off his horse. You gasped, as he fell with a clattering thump, Michael spinning around on the to face the audience. One more knock down of the other knight and Michael would win your hand. Your heart was beating at a rate unfathomable to even you, and you wondered who it would be. The knight had mounted his horse once again, grabbing a new lance from a squire and going to his designated end. Michael’s horse kicked the dirt, and ran at full speed, just in time for Michael to hit the knight one last time off of his horse, and claim your hand. Your Father and Mother stood up clapping as you as well stood, clapping as you were taught. Michael took off his helmet, shaking his hair out and surely the sweat off, and looked at you from the grounds. A half smile was etched on his angelic face, and your heart stilled. He was handsome, so handsomely so that you had dreamt that your Father would pick a much older man to wed you to, but Michael looked as if he was a few years older than you were. He got off his horse, bowed in your direction and picked up a rose off of the ground, holding it out to you. Your Father grabbed your arm, leading you down the steps to where the knight was being picked up, and had a word of congratulations to Michael. You stood neatly beside him, admiring his lush looks, as Michael turned to you, bowing and handing you the rose. “My lady, might we take a walk?” He asked, holding out his armour clad arm. “I do think that would be a good idea (Y/N).” Your Father insisted, as you wrapped your arm through his, blushing like the maid you were and beginning to walk with your champion and future husband.

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