babies first birthday and Luke is super excited

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"IM SO EXCITED!" Luke squeals, the biggest grin you’ve ever seen on his face. "Luke shut up, you’re going to wake her up." You scold, chuckling afterwards. "Sorry, let’s get her birthday presents already."

"Seem’s like its more your birthday than Alara’s." "Hey babe, do you want me to carry her, you look a bit worn out." Luke questions, placing his hand over yours, which was carrying Alara’s carry around car seat thing (does anyone else know what they’re called or?) "If you don’t mind?" You smile, he returns the gesture and you carefully slip your hand away from his own.

"I say we get her a walker… A pink walker." Luke states, walking through the shop, his eyes scanning every aisle. "Ah there they are!" He nearly sprints towards the walkers, remembering your daughter in the carrier thing and slowing his pace. "Sorry bubba." He mumbles, a sweet smile gracing his features.

"Y/n who are we inviting to the party?" Luke questions from ahead of you. "Alara’s birthday party?" "Yeah." You stop for a minute and think, you never went to any mother-daughter groups with Alara so she didn’t personally have any friends. "I guess just family…" You feel quite angry with yourself, not being able to invite any of Alara’s own friends (despite the fact she doesn’t even know what friends are).

"That’s okay, more cake for me and ‘Lara then." He smirks, stopping infront of the walkers. "I like this one." He points to the one he wants to get and you just nod in response. "Oi, don’t beat yourself up about this, it doesn’t matter okay? It’ll be great regardless." He assures, wrapping his free arm around your shoulder and kissing the top of your head.

*3 weeks later*

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALARA!" A chorus of voices shout. Luke had your daughter in his arms, the grin from shopping once again on his face. Calum occasionally peers over Luke’s shoulder to gawk over her, before huffing and puffing. "I want a baby now." He mumbles to himself, before his face lights up and he grabs the present he bought Alara.

"Present time." He announces, shoving the present at you. "Calum I’m not the birthday girl." You giggle, pushing the present back towards him. "She’ll break her fingers if she tries opening it, plus she’s asleep anyway." He states. You look over and see Luke with tears trailing down his face.

"Luke… Lukey? Are you okay?" You ask, scooting across the floor so you’re infront of him. "I just can’t believe we bought her into this world and she’s finally one. She’s growing up so fast." He sniffles, you playfully slap his arm. "Shut up old man." He nearly chokes on his half sob, half laugh and places Alara into your arms. "Okay, cake? Wait. What does Alara want?" He asks, turning towards you. "Presents." Calum butts in.

The little celebration continues on for a while longer until Alara get’s antsy and the guests begin to leave. Once you and Luke place her into the cot and get into bed, Luke lets out another childish squeal. “What’s gotten into you this time?” You laugh, nudging him slightly. “We need to plan what to do for her second birthday now.”

"Just don’t cry again and we should be good." This time it’s his turn to nudge you. "Oi." You giggle, laying your head on his chest. "I love you and our little one year old baby." Luke sighs, running his fingers through your hair. "I love you and Alara too Lukey."

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