Lost Boy- Calum Hood

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You and your husband had gone to the grocery store with your 4 year old son to stock up on food for the next month. You had already been in the store for a half and hour and you were almost done with your list. Calum was walking beside you as your pushed the cart down the aisles. He was picking up different things from the shelves. 

Calum scratched off the items for the list before reaching behind him to hand the list to your son. “Here, (Y/S/N), hold this while I go grab something from a different aisle.” When your son didn’t take the list, Calum looked down and then around the cart.

"Oh, no. No, no, no!" Calum sprinted down the aisle and through the rest of the store, calling your son’s name. You shook your head and sighed, checking off other things from your list as you through them in the cart. 

Calum came running back towards you a few minutes later, out of breath, an annoyed look on his face.

"Why are you not helping me?"


"Our son is missing and you’re shopping.”


"I’m going to have to call the police."

He reached into his pocket for his phone and you grabbed his wrist, slightly frustrated.

"Calum! Look!"

You pointed towards the cart where your son sat, holding your purse in his lap. He smiled at his father and waved. “Hi, daddy.”

Calum looked at your son then back at you.

"I knew he was there all along…"

"Of course you did."

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