Your Child Throws A Tantrum.

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Michael - You, Michael and your three kids were going to the mall today. One, you needed to find stuff for your daughters girl scout meeting and Michael wanted to buy some more clothes since Luke stole some of his while they were on tour. “Mommy, can I go get some candy?” Mackayla asked, as Michael tried entertaining your newborn son in his car seat as Leann was holding onto your shirt. “In a second babe, I have to find games for your girl scout group.” She huffed, crossing her arms as she began to pout. Michael stuck out his tongue at your baby as Mackayla tugged on his shirt. “Daddy, I want candy.” “Mommy said wait.” She huffed again, walking in circles as she kept sighing rather loudly. “Mackayla Clifford, stop acting up.” “I just want candy!” She screamed, stomping as people around you guys started to stare. “Candy! Candy! Candy!” She screamed louder, Michael hurrying to scoop her up as she banged her fists across his back. “We’re going to get candy.” She started to cheer, Michael sitting her down as he picked up Leann, following Mackayla to the candy store.

Luke - “I so want a steak!” Luke groaned, fixing his beanie as he smirked at you. “What are you hungry for?” You cooed to your 6 month old, as he sat in your lap. All the boys decided to go out to dinner tonight and of course if Luke was coming, you and Kaiden had to tag along too. The waitress came over as you all ordered drinks. “Can I let him have some lemon?” Luke asked you, as you looked at the lemon, then back at your baby, shrugging. “Yeah, go for it.” Luke smiled, taking your son as he held the lemon in his hand. “He’s gonna cry.” Calum said, the rest of the boys nodding as they stared intently. Luke put the lemon in his mouth as he made a face, looking at you. “Aww baby.” You stuck out your bottom lip as Luke squeezed more into his mouth. Your baby started to wail and you sighed. “I knew that would happen.” You grabbed a napkin, wiping his mouth as his eyes started to water. “Just pop your boob in his mouth.” Ashton giggled as he continued to cry, as you fixed the blanket. Just as he latched on, his crying ceased. “I think that was too much.” You said, Luke nodding as he sighed. “Sorry.”

Ashton - Usually having 6 kids in the house was quite chaotic, but today everything seemed to be fine. Your eldest son was gone back to college, Bethany was in her room, Bryce was playing with his toys, and the twins were napping. You sighed, putting away the last dish as Ashton walked into the kitchen. “I’m surprised they’re not wreaking havoc all over the house.” He said, as you nodded, draining the water from the sink. Just as his lips landed on the top of your head, you heard footsteps. “You spoke too soon.” Soon Bethany appeared, smiling widely. “Hello to the best parents in the whole entire universe!” She sang, as Ashton crossed his arms. “What do you want?” She sighed. “Okay so Chase is having this really awesome party toni—” “Wait, Chase the football player?” She nodded and you shook your head. “He’s a trouble maker, absolutely not Beth.” “But mom! If I don’t go i’ll be picked on for the rest of the year.” “I’m pretty sure that won’t happen.” She stared at you for a while before stomping her foot down, her face red. “You never let me do anything fun!” She ran back up to her room, screaming as she did so. “I’ll get her.” Ashton went up, opening her door as she had her face in a pillow. “Go away mom.” “It’s dad. How bad do you want to go to this party?” She sat up, sighing. “Really really bad.” Ashton sighed, “I’ll talk to mom, but you owe me one.” “I love you!” She stood, hugging Ashton as he smirked. “Everyone loves dad.”

Calum - “Come on Calum and record some vocals.” Calum handed Olivia back to you as he walked into the recording booth. “Mommy, I sleepy.” Your 2 year old whined, rubbing her eyes as she buried her face into your chest. “We’re about to go home, I promise.” You held her as you smiled, hearing Calum’s angelic voice boom through the speakers. Calum was set to go back on tour in a few more weeks and of course at first you were upset, because you would be flying back to Australia and he would be going to Los Angeles. But now you found out you were travelling with him so everyone was a bit excited. “Mommy,” She whined, bouncing in your lap as you shushed her. “Olivia, we’re leaving in a minute.” She began whining really loudly, crying as her face began turning red. Calum took off his headphones as he stared at you two. You stood, apologizing as you took her to a separate room, calming her down enough so you could rock her to sleep. After a while, Calum came to find you. “She was tired.” He nodded, kissing her quickly as he went back to record.

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