Your Short

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**I really like these ones because they really relate to me A LOT. I am only 5'1" and I am 17 and done growing. So I always picture myself in these ones and see how it would be.**

I walk into the kitchen and hear the door open but I was on a mission to get stuff ready for lunch. Being only 5’1 I had difficulties reaching things on the top shelf. Working out became the number thing that I had to do if it was too high for me to reach even on my tiptoes. I hear laughing behind me as Luke reaches up and grabs the boxes of noodles I was trying to reach. I look back and see Calum, Michael, and Ashton laughing at me and hear the mean words they had to say.

"Your so short! Haha!"

"No wonder your dating Luke, he’s able to reach the top shelf."

"I didn’t ever notice you were that short."

"Wow, she’s really short."

"You got yourself a midget there."

He stands there and looks at me and then back at them. I fix them lunch and excuse myself the room, folding into a ball I curl up under the blanket and start to cry. I feel the bed dip after what felt like hours and a hand slides the blanket away and lays on my back.

"Come here babe, come here." He pats for me to sit on his lap and I crawl over and lay my head on his chest as he rocks me back and forth. I feel his shirt becoming wet from my tears but I didn’t care, I always get picked on my for my height. It’s not my fault I was short. He lifts my face up by my chin and kisses my nose. "I’m sorry the guys were being jerks. I should of stepped in baby. You have all the right to hate me." I look at his face and see how sincere he is and I plant a kiss on his cheek to reassure him I’m not mad.

"No, I’m not mad Lukey, it’s just I get picked on about my height constantly. It just hurt seeing guys I thought where my friends doing it." I hear them shuffle into the room and hide my head in Luke’s chest more and feel him start to rock back and forth again. He sings softly in my ear as the boys say there apologies and leave for the rest of the day. I lay with my head on Luke’s chest and watch movies. We get in the middle of Finding Nemo and the phone rings and I hit snooze after seeing it was my best friend. I didn’t want anything to ruin cuddle sessions with Luke, he was comfy what could I say?

"Your so beautiful, I love your height, your weight, your everything. I love the way your hair falls down your back. I love the way your eyes brighten when you smile. I love everything about you."

"Your so cheesy Lucas, it’s so cute. Your mister perfect." He starts to laugh and I roll on my stomach and look at him funny.

"Babe, I’m far from perfect, but when you’re by my side I’m perfect." I start to laugh so hard I fall on the floor and continue laughing. He grabs my arms and picks me up carrying me back to the bed as I look at him and continue to laugh.

"Okay, I’m good. No I’m not." I start to laugh again when his lips connect to mine and a I slide my hands up his back to his hair and play with his messy quiff. "Your so cheesy babe. It’s really cute!" I lay my head back against the headboard as he lays with his on my stomach as we continue to have a movie marathon. I run my fingers through his hair the whole time and he starts to smile a lot when I massage it. He takes advantage of my free hand and plays with each of my fingers as we get onto Mulan II. I look down at his face and see that he’s half asleep, I pull his face up and kiss him while we snuggle up like we normally do before we go to bed. His hand slides around my waist as his head lays in the crook of my neck and he plants a kiss on it.

"Night beautiful."

"Night handsome."

"Now who’s being cheesy?"

"Oh shush." I roll over to face him and snuggle as close as I can and fall into a peaceful sleep. He rid my worries of being made fun of and it was one of his major qualities that he has, he can put a smile on anyone.

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