You are from Croatia

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You two were out getting lunch when Y/f/n called you. You excused yourself and picked up your phone. ”Hej y/f/n!” I said. ”Hej Y/n! Kako ste?” (How are you?) she asked. ”Dobro” (Good) I answered. ”Pitao sam se ako želite upoznati ovog petka?” (i was wondering if you want to meet this friday?) She asked. ”sigurni! Ja ću doći kod vas sutra u 7” (sure! I will come to your place tomorrow at 7) I said. ”Žao mi je, ali ja moram ići! Vidimo se sutra”(I’m sorry, but I have to go! See you tomorrow) She said and we said goodbye. I turned around and saw Calum standing infront of me. ”Is something wrong?” I asked. ”Um no, it’s just the first time i heard you speak Croatinan, and it was hot” he said and i blushed.


Me and Luke were cuddling on couch, watching some random movies. ”Y/n” Luke suddenly said. ”Hm?” I answered and looked at him. ”Can you teach me some words in Croatian?” He asked. ”Sure, what do you to know?” I asked and turned towards him. ”um.. I don’t know… How do you say: My name is Luke and I am from Australia?” He asked. ”Moje ime je Luke i ja sam iz Australije” I said and he repeated. He asked a few randomn words and i translated them to him. ”And most importantly, how do you say I love you?” he asked. ”Volim te” I answered. ”Volim te Y/n” he said. ”Volim i ja tebe” i answered. ”What?” He asked confused. ”I said i love you too”. ” Oh okay” he said and pulled me in for a kiss.


The boys were touring around the world and you were with them all the way. Right now they were in Croatia, Zagreb your hometown. You were all walking around the city, but they still havn’t heard you say anything in Croatian. ”Okay, I have no idea where we are, the restaurant was suppost to be here, but I don’t see any restaurant!” Michael said and looked down on his phone. ”Great, now we are lost in the middle of nowhere!” Calum said. ”What’s the name of the restaurant?” I asked. ”R/n” He answered. I walked up to an middle aged lady, boys following close behind. ”Oprostite, mogu li vam postaviti za nekim smjerovima?” (Excuse me, can I ask you for some directions?) I asked her politely. She nooded slightly. ”Gdje mogu naći ovaj restoran?” (Where can I find this restaurant?)  asked and show her the map on Michael’s phone. She told me the teh directins and i thanked her. ”Thank good we have you” Michael said and kissed my forehead. A few minutes later we found the restaurant.


Today you are going to introduce Ashton to your parents. You two were driving to your parent’s house and you knew Ashton was nervous. ” I am going to translate for you, so it will be easier for you” I said when we got there. I knocked on the door and a minute later my mom opened the door and pulled us in. ”Bok! Nedostajao si mi toliko!” (Hi! I’ve missed you so much!) My mom said and pulled me in a tight hug. ”mama, ovo je moj dečko Ashton” (Mom, this is my boyfriend Ashton) I said and pulled Ashton from behind me. ”Ashton, this is my mom, mam ovo je Ashton” I said. ”Lijepo je napokon vaš upoznati” My mom said and pulled him in a hug. ” She said it’s nice to finally meet you” I said. The night went on, with lots of laughter and your parents loved Ashton.

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