Ashton Imagine - Kiss Cam

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You combed your fingers through your hair one last time and smiled into the bathroom mirror. You hadn’t seen your best friend in so long and he invited you to a hockey game tonight, so you’d been using the last hour to get ready. You’d always had a bit of a crush on Ashton, what with his curls and his mesmerizing green eyes. You never wanted to say anything to him, though, because you’d rather be “just friends” than ruin your relationship by saying something stupid.

Turning on your heel, you heard a car horn beep from the driveway, Ashton’s signal that he had arrived. You practically leapt down the stairs with a smile plastered on your face and made your way to the passenger seat.

“Y/N!” Ashton exclaimed. “Hi!” He pulled you into a hug over the console in between your two seats. It was a bit of an awkward hug but, with Ashton, nothing was really ever awkward. You always felt like you could be yourself around him.

“How are you?” you asked.

“I’m great. Sorry I’ve been so busy lately,” he sighed. “I’ve missed hanging out with you.”

You smiled. You loved when he said little things like that.

“So, how are you, Y/N? I feel like I haven’t talked to you in forever. New friends? New hobbies? Boyfriend?” he laughed.

You giggled. “No, no. Maybe I’ll find one tonight,” you joked.

“I bet,” he said. “You look great.”

You felt your face get red and had to turn away to look out the window so Ashton wouldn’t see you. He always complimented you like this, which was nice, but it also hurt a little considering he would probably never be yours.

“Thank you,” you said, finally. “You look cute.”

“Cute?” He smiled over at you. “I’m not cute. I’m a man.”

You punched him lightly on the arm. The rest of the drive was filled with stories, laughs, and Green Day on the radio.

Walking into the stadium with Ashton at your side, you noticed other girls whispering and looking at Ashton. This always happened every time you went anywhere with him, girls always talked about how attractive he was. You wondered if he would rather be there with one of them instead of you.

“Y/N?” you heard Ashton say.


“I asked you a question,” he said. “Are you okay? You seem a little spaced.”

You took a deep breath before explaining. “It’s just…everywhere we go together all these pretty girls are always around us and I can overhear them talking about you. About how cute you are, and how tall you are, and I feel like you’d rather be on a date with one of them than out with me.”

“What?!” he exclaimed. “Are you crazy, Y/N? I love hanging out with you more than anything in the whole world. Please just forget about them.”

He slung his arm over your shoulders, making your stomach do a flip-flop. When he touched you it was like the whole world was right. You just wished he knew about your feelings…and felt the same way.

“Here are our seats,” Ashton said. They were amazing seats near the penalty box.

By the end of the first period, the score was 1-1 and the crowd was getting a little bit rowdy. But everyone’s favorite part of the game – the kiss cam – was just starting.

“Oh, I love this!” Ashton cried. “It’s always either completely adorable or completely hilarious.”

The cam landed on an elderly couple, a married couple with a toddler, and a boy and a girl who unfortunately happened to be cousins and had to explain that over the Jumbotron.

You and Ashton were having a great time watching it, before you realized that it had landed on you two.

“Oh my gosh,” you whispered. “Ashton, we don’t have to. People say no all the-.”

Ashton cut you off by smashing his pink lips against yours as the crowd cheered you on.

“Ashton, it’s over,” you said into the kiss. “We can stop.”

“What if I don’t want to?” he asked, smiling into your lips.

Your heart practically dropped into your stomach. This was exactly what you’d been dreaming of since the day you met Ashton.

After a few moments, he pulled away.

“What was that about?” you asked.

He looked back at the rink and grinned. “I’ve been looking for the right time to do that.”

You blushed, but this time you couldn’t turn away fast enough.

“Are you embarrassed?” he asked you.

“No,” you giggled. “I’m just so happy that just happened.”

The two of you sat, Ashton’s arm around your shoulders just like it was when you walked in together.

As the second period started up, you remembered something. “Hey, Ash. What did you ask me before when I was spaced out?”

He waited a moment. “I asked you if you’d ever considered us being together.”

You reached over to kiss his cheek. “Yes.”

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