Luke Imagine

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The thunder cracks and I shudder, backing away from the window as Luke finally picks up his phone, “Hey.” “Luke! Hey can you come over…like now?” He sighs, “Baby its kinda late.” “Luke please…I’m really scared and-” Lightning strikes and I get into bed and hide over the covers, pulling myself into a little ball and Luke hears me whimper and I can tell he’s worried, “Are you safe? Are you inside? You arent on the road are you? Baby I’m coming over right now, I have to just…shit…hold on okay?” I sniffle and he groans, “I gotta hang up, my phone’s gonna die but I’ll be there soon okay?” “Luke hurry-” “Dont worry babygirl.” He hangs up and I freeze as my windows shake from the window and I sigh, trying to distract myself.

     I walk downstairs to see if Luke’s here and I look through the window and see Luke standing at my front door in the rain and I open my door and he quickly comes inside, shaking and soaking wet. I hug him tightly, despite the fact he’s drenched and I hold his face, “Why are you all wet?” “Jack took my car…” I laugh and kiss him, “You walked here?” “Yeah…do you have any towels I could use real quick…I cant feel my legs.” Thunder cracks and I yelp, “Uh…sorry, here…come with me.” I pull him up the stairs and I bring him into the upstairs bathroom as he wraps himself up in a towel.


   Thunder starts cracking every three minutes and I shiver slightly and I hold my knees to my chest and Luke pulls me by my hands as he kneels down next to me and he kisses me sweetly, “There’s nothing to be scared of…I wont let anything hurt you.” The lightning strikes and I push my face into Luke’s chest and I feel tears in my eyes, “Luke I’m scared…I’m so scared and I know its stupid but I cant deal-” “Hold on alright?” He puts his towel in the sink and he goes into my bedroom and I hear him fumbling around and I curl up in the corner of the bathroom and Luke comes back holding like a dozen different blankets in his long arms and he sets them down in the bath-tub and he gets in, pointing to me and then himself, “You coming?” 

       He holds me in his arms as we stare out the bathroom window at the storm, every once and a while when thunder strikes and I jump, Luke strokes my hair, “Relax…I’m here…I’m right here.” He kisses my forehead and I hold his hands as I turn to lay on his chest and I sigh as thunder cracks once again and I squeeze Luke tighter and he shushes me and I slowly exhale, breathing softly as I fall asleep.

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