Panic Attack (Michael)

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You were sat in you bedroom, trying to calm yourself down. You hadn’t had a panic attack in what seemed like ages, but sometimes it was random. Most of the time, there wasn’t any warning, no rhyme or reason, they just came. 

This, was one of those times. 

The attack wasn’t in full swing yet, either. It was just beginning. You felt your hands start to shake and your chest start to feel tight. You tried to breathe but an intense sense of danger filled your mind and you could barely catch your breath.

You squeeze your eyes shut and pull your knees up to your chest, tears welling up in your eyes and your whole body begins to shake. Your breathing gets even shakier, and anyone within 10 feet of you would probably be able to hear you trying to breathe.

You hear your boyfriend, Michael, walk into the room, but that doesn’t change what’s happening. 

"(Y/n)?" He asks, concerned. He rushed to your side. 

"P-pani-ic," You stutter, unable to finish. He pulls you to him, pushing your legs away from your chest. He lays down on the bed and pulls you with him, laying your head on his chest.

He holds you rubbing your back as you quiver under his touch, still in the midst of a severe panic attack.  

You’re not completely aware of what’s going on, because you’re so caught up in your own head. Michael is whispering sweet nothings in your ear, trying to help calm you down. 

"It’s okay, (y/n). Just breathe." He pulls your face to look at him and you almost can’t see through the tears. "C’mon, breathe with me." He breathes in and out slowly, helping you gain back your control. You’re still shaking a little, so you lay back down, resting your head on his chest once again, wrapping an arm around your torso.

"I’m sorry," You whisper, almost okay.

"Why’re you sorry, princess? If anyone should be sorry, I should be. You shouldn’t have to go through something like that, ever."  He says, kissing your head over and over.

"I love you," You say. "thank you for helping me."

"I love you too, baby. And if I’m ever gone when you have one of those, you call me, okay?"

"Okay," You say, closing your eyes and listening to his heartbeat.

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