Safe and Sound {Michael}

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You lay there in bed with the covers tucked right up to your chin. You watched as the lightning and thunder continued on, only getting worse. You had always been terrified of thunderstorms and this one was probably one of the worst ones you’ve ever seen. You looked over to see your boyfriend, Michael, fast asleep. You had insisted that he sleep over because you didn’t want him driving home in the storm. You wondered how he could look so peaceful while the weather was anything but. You reached out your hand to slide a piece of hair off of his face, careful not to wake him. You carefully slid his arm off from around your waist and got up with all the courage in your body to go and grab a glass of water. As you walked downstairs, you turned on every light that you could reach while doing so. You grabbed a cup from the cabinet and headed over to the fridge. Right as you were about to open it, a bolt of lightning came down and seconds later all the lights flickered off along with a roar of thunder that managed to violently shake your whole house. You let out a shriek and dropped your cup. You didn’t realize how loud your scream was until you heard Michael calling your name.

"Are you alright?!" He asked groggily as he came into the kitchen, using his phone as a light to guide him. He looked up to see you frozen there in the middle of the room. As soon as he was in the kitchen, you ran up to him and wrapped your arms around him, burying your face into his chest. 

"What’s the matter?" He asked confused as he wrapped his arms around you. 

"…I hate thunderstorms…" was all you managed to say to him. 

"It’s alright, i’m here now. C’mon, let’s go back to bed." He said as he intertwined your fingers with his and lead you back to the bedroom. You both crawled into bed, once again, tucking the covers up to your chin. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to him. He placed a kiss on the back of your neck and then rested his head back onto his pillow. You both laid there for a few minutes, only the sound of the rain could be heard. Then the loudest bang of thunder roared throughout the house, making the whole house shake and a lightning bolt coming down with it. You whimpered as you turned around and buried your face into his chest. You breathed in the scent of him, instantly calming you down already. 

"It’s okay, you’re safe with me." He said as he wrapped his arms around you tighter and planted a kiss on the top of your head. You listened to his heartbeat as the rain continued to pound on the roof of the house. He rubbed your back and began to softly hum one of his songs. The sound of his voice against the constant noise of the rain calmed you and you were asleep within minutes

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