Imagine Calum

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"Calum, baby. Come on. I can’t sit down and watch Adventure time with you right now I have to go to work." You said as you fix up your hair looking in the mirror at your long time boyfriend Calum Hood."But y/n you can always call in fake sick and come cuddle and eat these pancakes with me." Calum whined. "I really can’t tho. I don’t want to pass on the offer. But u have to." You laughed at how Cal whined. Then he gave you a devilish look. "Fine then I will." He said as he pulled out his phone and called your work. He made the best voice of you when you were sick and told them you had to have a week of cause of some flu you think they have heard of. Calum said "Well you have two weeks of them guess what I’m taking you on tour." You laughed "Oh and funny thing is I got you there. I’m pregnant with your child and I’m not ever going back to work. Oh and it’s a boy and I’m 6 months." Calum yelled "I’m gonna be a daddy." Then he felt your stomach and felt your little human kick for the first time. Calum talked into your tummy to you child saying "Hi, I already told mummy that if we have a boy we are naming it Joshua, so Josh, thank you so much for being the fastest swimmer and being my favorite boy in the world just take care of your little sister or sisters when they come. I’ll give you this lecture again when you 10. Love you kiddo." You smiled at Calum whom was just admiring little Joshua’s bump.

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