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You looked down at the pregnancy test with tears in your eyes. The two little pink lines had confirmed your suspicions. You were pregnant and Luke was the father. How were you going to do this? You were 18 and Luke’s career was on the rise. He couldn’t have a child, especially not with you. No one even knew you were together.

You grabbed your phone and quickly dialed Luke’s number. It went straight to voicemail.

“God damnit, Luke.” You muttered. You sent a quick ‘call me when you can’ text and continued to sit on the floor of the bathroom, crying until your phone started buzzing. You answered with a weak “hello?”

“Hey babe, sorry, I was with the boys and I couldn’t get away from them until now. What’s up?” You smiled at the sound of his voice, but it was faltered by a sob you had been holding in.

“What’s wrong princess?” Luke asked, concerned.

“Luke I-I-I’m pregnant.” You whispered, letting out another sob. All you could hear was the sound of his breathing. Nobody spoke for what felt like hours, but was actually only 3 minutes.

“Are you sure?” he finally asked.

“Yeah.” You whispered.

“I’ll catch a plane home right now. Don’t go anywhere. I’ll call you when I get off the plane. I love you.” He hung up the phone and you stared at your phone in awe.

You crawled into bed and cried for hours. Your phone rang, but you couldn’t muster up the energy to answer it. Soon after, you heard a car park in your driveway and the front door open. You laid still, not knowing what to expect from Luke.

A few moments later you heard you door open and you didn’t move. You were facing the opposite way of the door, so he couldn’t see your face.

“(y/n)…” a concerned Luke whispered.

He climbed into the bed you shared with him when he wasn’t touring. His strong arms pulled you around to face him. He wiped the tears off your cheeks and pulled you into tight hug. You rested your head on his chest and started to cry again.

“What are we gonna do, Luke?” you whispered.

“Were gonna raise him right.” He answered, immediately.

“Him?” you said looking up at his smiling face.

“Yes (y/n), him. As in, our baby boy.”

“You want to keep it?” you asked surprised.

“Of course. He is our baby, you know.”

“But…the tour…and the boys…and what about our parents…and the fans?” you asked.

“The boys know, we’ll figure the tour thing out, and my mum is over joyed to have a grandchild. The fans, I love them, but I love you and him more.”

“What makes you so sure it’s a him?” you questioned.

“I don’t think I could take having two of you running around.” He said chuckling. “Oh, and we’re getting married.” he said, grinning from ear to ear. 

"Is that right?" you asked. 

"I’ll take that as a yes." he mumbled.

You laughed and spent the rest of the evening planning everything out. You guys may be young, but this baby would be surrounded by love from his three crazy uncles and the entire fandom

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