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Sitting next to my best friend I look at her and then glance down at my watch. Jumping up, I sprint towards the bathroom and grab the test.

"Shit! No! This can’t be happening! Ugh!." My best friend looks at me and then down at the test.

"You gotta tell him babe, he’s got the right to know. I know you both didn’t plan this happening, but he needs to know." Nodding I dispose of the test and walk into my bedroom, falling asleep when she leaves.

"What the hell is this, (Y/N)?" I jolt awake and look at his hand where the test happens to be in.

"Um remember that night that you took my virginity Ash? Well this is the outcome."

"No, you’re lying to me! You’ve had sex with other guys if not one of the boys." Right as he finishes, Luke, Calum, and Michael comes into the room and looks at us. "Fine, I’ll ask them myself." I see the terror spread across the boy’s faces as they look at Ashton.

"Ask us what?" Calum looks between the boys and then at me.

"Which one of you slept with (Y/N)? Come on don’t lie to the me boys." He looks at them and they all shake there heads.

"The only one we know of, of us four, is you Ash. If you’re trying to see who the baby belongs too, it’s you." Guilt shows on his face as he looks down and sees the tears in my eyes.

"Ash, you’re the one out of the boys that I wanted to take my virginity. I know they would of all loved too but they know that you mean the most to me. I’m sorry this happened. I shouldn’t of let this happen." I stand up and head out the door, right as I reach the front door a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me back.

"Baby girl, I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you. I know you’re not one of those girls who sleeps with more than one guy. I panicked." I let him hold me as he kisses my forehead. "I promise, I am going to help you through all of this."

-Six Months Later-

Grabbing an over-sized sweatshirt from my backpack, I slip it on and pull on my jeans. A groan from behind me caused me to turn around really fast.

"You’re so beautiful baby. I can’t wait to meet the little one." He slips his arms around me and connects our lips. A ew came from Michael’s bunk as I pull the curtain and look him.

"There is a reason why you have a bunk, you two. No need to be kissing in front of everyone."

"Technically Mikey, we were kissing when everyone had the curtains closed. So, ha." He starts to laugh as Ashton and I walk to the front of the bus.

He slips his arms around my waist and holds onto the bump that is getting pretty big. He kisses my shoulder when Luke looks up from his tablet.

"Well good morning you to you two. You really need to have the baby, (Y/N). I want to meet it." Sliding in next to Luke, as Ashton fixes both of us some breakfast and I watch Luke on twitter.

-Three Months-

I start to get a really bad pain in my side when I feel a wetness start to form in my jeans. It slides down my legs to my bare-feet. Michael and Calum notice and yell for Ash and Luke. “It’s time.” Ash carries me bridal style to the car, the boys grab my emergency packs and off to the hospital.

About six hours later I hear a little baby crying. Tears fill Ash’s eyes as he kisses my forehead.

"He’s so handsome, oh my goodness." Holding onto little Aiden Fletcher Irwin, I see the boys all smile and laugh.

"Great, another Ashton running around." This causes a fit of laughter to start as they take turns to hold the baby boy. Ashton sits next to me on the bed and holds me while he whispers into my ear.

"You did amazing baby. I want to know something. Will you be my wife?" He slides off the bed and gets on one knee. Pulling out the ring that looks like the one you designed while on tour with them, he stares into mine with his hazel ones.

"I would love too. Come here." He slips it on and kisses you as the boys all look at each other.

"Knew it!" I hear the boys all say.

-Four Years Later-

The ring was switched to my left hand about two years ago. Our little boy was now four, our daughter was two, and the one that is in my stomach is about four months. Watching my husband play in the pool with my little boy Aiden and little girl Annabielle Maye, my eyes sparkle.

"What baby?" He catches me off guard and I feel myself blush.

"Just admiring my amazing family. You’re so cute Ashton."

"Speak for yourself." Aiden swims towards me and I pull him into a hug. "When’s the baby going to be born? I want to meet it." Laughing I pick him up and hold him.

"In about five months Bubby. I know, we all want to meet it." He kisses my cheek and heads back to his dad. Ashton swims over to me while the kids go play in the shallow end of the pool.

"Come here." He slips his arms around my waist and pulls me into him. "I got lucky, I married my best friend."

"You’re a dork. Go play with the kids." He looks at me and makes a kissy face. Not thinking that I would kiss him, he starts to back away when I slam my lips against his. He smiles into it and bites my bottom lip gently.

"You’re the dork baby."

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