Drunk Confessions Part. 2

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Calum: For a moment, you allowed your whole body to sink into his kiss and it took you awhile to snap back into reality. “Calum… I… We can’t do this right now. Y/BF/N is right inside. He could’ve seen us!” you hissed. “I don’t care, Y/N. I don’t care about him at all. Screw everyone at the party. Get in the car with me and let’s just go! You want to talk, right? Then let’s leave!” Calum was drunk and high off your kiss, slurring quickly. He was holding you by your elbows, pulling you in closer, hoping the proximity would make you go with him. You looked up into his beautiful dark eyes wishing you could run away with him like he wanted. “Calum, you know I love you, but I also hate you right now. You are putting me in the worst position in the world! You’re not thinking straight. Let me drive you home, okay? Sleep it off.” Calum dropped his hands from your arms and took a few steps back. “Enjoy your party, Y/N. I’ll talk to you later,” he said too calmly. Calum turned around and began walking down the street, hopefully toward his apartment. As much as you wanted to follow him, you were too angry with him and needed to get back inside; but you hated leaving things in such a bad place. You walked back into the party feeling miserable. Nothing would be right until you could talk to Calum again.

Ashton: You did not sleep at all after you got off the phone with Ash. You tossed and turned all night while your conversation with him played over and over in your mind. "I’ll wake up tomorrow and be sober and I will still be missing you and wanting to love you." You couldn’t get his words out of your head. The hardest part was not knowing if you wanted those words to be true or not. You’d broken up months ago when Ashton left for tour. You had to stay home for school and it broke your heart that Ash didn’t fight harder for you. He let you stay back while he went on tour all around the world. So, why did he want you now? Was he just lonely or did he truly want you back in his life? Just as you were trying to talk yourself out of wanting him back, your phone began to ring. Ash’s name popped up on the screen; you took a long breath and swiped the screen to answer the call. “Y/N? Wow… I didn’t think you’d answer the phone after last night’s call. I’m sorry I ambushed you like that. I should’ve waited until I wasn’t plastered to talk to you. But I just need you to know now that I meant everything I said last night. I love you so much. If you have any interest in trying again, please go answer your front door. It’s really cold out here.” You nearly dropped the phone in shock.

Luke: It had been a few weeks since Luke had confessed to you that he no longer loved H/GF/N. Even though you weren’t her biggest fan, you couldn’t help but feel bad for her now. Luke still hadn’t broken up with her and she was due to come back on tour in the next week. Luke’s words about dating you instead stopped filling you with hope and have since haunted you. You loved Luke more than as just a best friend and waiting around for him to admit his feelings for you was exhausting. One morning, you went to his hotel room to finally confront him. “Luke, I love you so much. You are my best friend in the world and I hate to see you conflicted and in pain. But as your best friend, it is my responsibility to tell you when you are being a complete jackass. If you love H/GF/N, then great. Date her. Love her. Be good to her. But if what you said last week is true, then break up with her. Let her go.” Luke looked like a young child being scolded because he knew he was wrong. “Like I said, Luke. I love you. But you also have to know that I’m not going to sit and wait around for you. Not anymore. Make a decision.” You stood up and began walking toward the door, feeling that you’d said all you could. “You’re right, Y/N. I choose you.”

Michael: Your eyes flickered open from the light peering through the sheer curtains. Michael was still sleeping soundly on his side, his lips parted slightly as he breathed deeply. You couldn’t believe everything that had happened in the last twelve hours. Michael had confessed his feelings for you, something you’d been waiting for for a very long time. You hoped desperately that his drunk words were also his sober thoughts. You shifted closer to him, gently pressing your lips against his to wake him up. “Mmm, that has got to be the best way to wake up,” Michael said in his deep morning voice. “That’s good to hear. I was afraid you didn’t really mean what you said last night,” you confessed quietly. “Y/N, I have been wanting to say that to you since about a week after I met you. I’m sorry it took me so long. I absolutely do not regret what I said to you last night,” he said firmly. “I just can’t believe I am waking up with you in my bed right now,” he said. Michael’s smile was brighter than the sun and he swiftly wrapped you in his arms and planted light kisses all over your face. “Let’s just stay right here forever, deal?”

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