I'm scared-Ashton Imagine

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"Ashton, I-I've been hurt too many times!" Tears were forming in your eyes as you spoke. Ashton just told you he loved you for the first time and your heart was pounding harder than you ever thought. "I've been told the same shit every time...I don't want to fall this time and break, again." You tried to explain as your boyfriend stood in front of you.

"(y/n) please, you already know I'm not like the rest of them...I love you so much more than I can express." Ashton said, stepping close to you, as his hand reached up and brushed the tears from your eyes. "I know you've been hurt, babe, but I wouldn't ever hurt you. Please know that."

"Ash..." You tried but shook your head as he brushed the tears away again.

"I'll catch you, I'll never let you fall, please believe me." Ashton was practically begging you. He cared about you so much more than he could say. "I'll even prove it, (y/n), I don't know how but I will...Just give me a couple days and I'll plan something out." He told you and pulled you into a strong kiss before you could say anything else. "I don't want to push you to say it back, but I want you to know I do love you..." He mumbled against your lips, running his thumb over your cheek.

"I'm sorry..." You mumbled softly, trying to keep calm.

You had a boyfriend before Ashton who just broke your heart into so many pieces one night when he told you to get out of the house. He told you he loved you and you loved him, but that night was the night you never thought you would face. When he told you he never wanted to see you again and that he never loved you, you shattered then and there and the only person who helped you pick up the pieces was Ashton and several months later you two became a couple and have been for 2 years now.

You were cut out of your thoughts when Ashton pressed a small kiss to your head.

"No, (y/n), don't apologize, please," He muttered, "I know what happened...I know that you've been hurt and I just want you to know that I would never hurt you."

It's been several weeks since the conversation you had with Ashton and he'd been trying everything he could to prove to you that he wasn't going to break your heart. It was subtle things like bringing you flowers to work, or making dinner for you, or surprising you with little presents that showed he really did love you. It wasn't something that happened every day, it was every now and then and that made it more and more special each time he did it.

Tonight, there was no flower waiting at work for you, no little cute text messages, and no dinner when you got home and your mind began to fill with worry, so much worry as you walked through the silent home. You wondered if it was going to all end, all of his little things gone and you'd be broken on the ground again.

You walked into the living room to be faced with Ashton who had a dorky grin on his face, which only made you smile as well, and he pajama bottoms on and no shirt.

"Ash, what are you doing?" You smile walking over to him.

"Well, I was going to take you out tonight for a fancy dinner and dance...but honestly I think it's better if we stay in and be in our pjs, eat some takeout food and dance in our pjs." Ash muttered, running a hand through his hair. "I mean, if you want to. We can still go out." He said.

Your face lit up and you shook her head, "Takeout sounds amazing, so does dancing in pajamas which I've never done before." You giggle. "Let me go change, you order food." You told him and not a second later he picked up the phone and began to dial.

You hurried down the hallway and changed into your pajamas and hurried back out into the living room where Ashton, again, met you with a smile and pulled you into a tight hug.

"We can watch Fresh Prince Of Bellaire too while we eat!" He said excitedly as he pulled back from the hug and looked down at you.

You giggled and nodded, "I'm down for whatever you want to do, Ash." You told him and stood on your tip toes and pressed a kiss to his lips.

Ashton kissed you back with a passion that nearly took your breath away. Once he pulled away he looked down at you and muttered, "I love you."

You hadn't heard those 3 words since the conversation you had with him. Your heart began to race, but not because you were scared.

"I love you too, Ashton." You mumbled and you watched him smile brightly, like a child and engulf you in a hug.

He'd been dying to hear those words from you and it sounded better waiting for it and having you know he actually meant it by showing it made it all the better.

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