Meeting for the first time.

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Calum: You were insanely shy, and never went out of your comfort zone to talk to people. Especially guys. So when your best friend invited you to hang out with her, her boyfriend, and his best friend, you were kind of hesitant. But she was your best friend, you had too. You met her at her house, and her cute boyfriend, Ashton, brought with his very attractive friend. He had really dark hair, and his eyes were so freaking cute. But you tried not to focus too much on him. You all decided to go to a local pizza shop for dinner. You all packed into Ashton’s car, leaving you and his friend in the back, and your in the front. You silently watched out the window, and tried not to look at his friend. You got to the pizza shop, and ordered your food. “I have to pee,” your friend hooked arms with you. “Come with me, yeah?” Without giving you time to respond, she pulled you into the bathroom. “[y/n],” she stated, almost sounding like she was going to scold you. “What?” You looked in the bathroom mirror. “What are you doing? Don’t you think Calum is cute?” You blushed a little and smiled. “Yeah, he’s actually really cute,” you turned around and faced her. “Well? Why aren’t you talking to him?” “Was I suppose to…?” You asked as she rolled her eyes. She pushed you out of the bathroom as she pulled Ashton along with her to go sit down. You stood awkwardly next to Calum, and he watched his feet as his hands were shoved in his pocket. “I’m Calum,” you looked over at him and he was studying your face. You nodded, and smiled. “I’m [y/n],” “Thats really pretty,” he smiled as he just watched you. You blushed a little, and smiled. “Thank you,” “You’re actually really pretty too,” he stuck out his bottom lip. Your smile grew as he moved a little closer to you. “Wow, thank you,” you smiled as he pulled out his phone. “Can I have your number? You know, for future refrence,” you laughed and entered your number into his phone.

Ashton: You walked around the music store you worked in, organizing some CD’s and records. It was a slow day, only a few people coming in. You were looking through a new shipment of CD’s that came in that you were suppose to start organizing when you heard the bell attached to the door ring, which meant someone just walked in. You picked up the VERY heavy box of CD’s and struggled to walk them over to the new releases. You suddenly felt a hand on your arm, and you looked next to you to see a very tall, messy haired, attractive boy. “Do you need some help? That looks heavy,” he looked at the huge box in your hands. “Yes please,” he easily grabbed the box out of your hands. “Where to?” You leaded him to the new releases. He sat down the box on the floor, and you thanked him. “No problem,” he smiled. You studied his face, he looked very familiar. “What? Is there something on my face?” He touched his face, running his fingers over his stubble. “No no, sorry. You just look insanely famiar,” he smiled and stuffed his massive hands in his jean pockets. “I’m in a band? Don’t know if you would know us though,” he shrugged. “What’s your band name?” “5 Seconds of Summer… Actually I hope you don’t know us, we suck,” he laughed. “No! I actually do know you guys, you don’t suck. Weren’t you playing a show around here?” You got distracted from your job. “[y/n]!” You heard your boss yell from the counter. He pointed to the box. You nodded and looked back at this boy. He smiled, and picked up the sharpie that was sticking out of the pocket of your jeans. He grabbed your hand and wrote his number, and signed it: -Ash xx :)

Luke: You stood awkwardly in the corner alone, with a half empty drink in your hand. You watched the crowd, people grinding up on each other and drinks spilling everywhere. You were at a party, which you didn’t want to go to, but your friend made you come. Who ended up ditching you anyway. You sighed as you mixed your drink with the straw that was also inside the cup. You were debating on leaving, no one would notice or care if you did anyway. You looked up from your drink to see a very attractive guy just staring at you from across the room. From this distance all you can see is his tall blonde hair, and a lip ring. You blushed a bit as you just told yourself: ‘Screw it, I’m leaving,’ You lat your drink down and walked out the door that was nearby. You just kept walking, darkness surrounded you, the only light coming from a streetlight. You were probably 10 minutes from your house when you heard yelling behind you. You turned around to see a bunch of very obviously drunk guys yelling sexual things to you. You turned around in disgust and kept walking, when you noticed their yelling came closer. Within minutes, these drunk guys were on your tail. You suddenly felt someone grab your arm, and you gasped as you went to pull it away. “Just go along with it,” a deep voice whispered in your ear as he turned you around. You looked at this guy and saw it was the blonde guy from the party. Even up close, he was absolutely gorgeous. He put his arm around your waist and approached the drunk guys. “I would really appreciate it of you drunk messed would stop hitting on my girlfriend. We are going t have a REALLY big problem if you don’t,” he quickly grabbed you again and walked away fast. “I’m Luke,” he shook your hand. “[y/n]. Thanks… For what you did back there. How did you see all of this?” “I actually wanted to talk to you at the party, but you walked out. I went to follow you to catch up and talk to you, but I saw those assholes,” he smiled at you. And, 2 months later, you’re now dating.

Michael: You sat awkwardly in a local coffee shop, tapping your foot as you waited for your order to be called. It was packed, people everywhere. This place was way to small for as many people that were here. You played on your phone, watched the people, and just debated whether or not to just sacrifice the two dollars and walk out. Suddenly, your drink was called, and you practically dashed to or so you can get out of there. You went to grab your drink when someone else reached for it too. You looked over to see a snuggled up boy. He was wearing tight black skinny jeans with a sweater, converse, and a beanie on his color faded hair. You just watched his face, and took in ever detail about him. Something about him just put you in a trance, and you couldn’t get out of out. Suddenly you heard a voice and you quickly snapped out of it. “You can take it,” the boy smiled at you, and handed it too you. Your mouth was open slightly, and you then shook your head. “No, no you can take or of you want. I can wait,” you pushed it back over to him. “No… I want you to take it,” he giggled, as he handed it back over to you. His laugh was enchanting, and your cheeks flushed as you smiled shyly. “Would you want to come sit with me while I wait for mine?” He pointed over to an empty table, it must have been the one he was waiting at. You sat down with him and ended up having a two our long conversation. He took a napkin that was under your cup of coffee, and took a pen out of his pocket. He wrote down his number, and slid it across the table to you. “I’m expecting a text from you tonight, or else I’ll be extremely disappointed,”

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