You Tell Him You're Pregnant (Ashton Imagine)

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Ashton had left about an hour ago to do interviews most of the morning. Lately, you haven’t been feeling to good and you have even been sick a few times. Luckily this was when Ashton wasn’t home. Every time you were ill he’d freak out and constantly ask you if you’re okay. It was nice that he cared about you but it did get annoying when he repeats the same questions over and over again.

You had a few suspicions of what might be causing it so last night, while you were getting groceries, you picked up some pregnancy tests. You hid them as soon as you got home and planned to us them this morning while Ashton was out.

You got out the bed and went to the hiding place to retrieve the tests. Then, you went back to the bathroom to see if you were right or not.

*3 hours later when Ashton gets back home*

"Hey babe! I’m home!" Ashton called as he came through the front door.

"Hi! How did it go today?" You called back.

"It was good. Did you watch any of the interviews?" He asked as he came into the kitchen.

You instantly felt bad because you missed all the interviews.

"I didn’t get chance. I was so busy doing jobs I forgot. Sorry" you replied.

“Don’t worry. It was just one question got to me and made me start to think. We’ve been together 4 years now and have been married for 2 and we haven’t started a family yet. I started to think that if you’re ready. Maybe we should.” He said the last bit a bit slower and quieter and he was now looking at his feet.

You were shocked to hear Ashton say this as you were worried he didn’t want to.

With a massive smile on your face, you took a step forward and took hold of Ashton’s hands. You then said “It’s great you think that because I’m pregnant”

Almost straight away Ashton looked at you and when he saw you were serious, he couldn’t have looked happier.

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