Luke Hemmings Imagine

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**Because I love you guys too much, I have finally decided that I won't end this book. I will continue it. I thought about stopping it because I have been so busy because I am starting my senior year in high school in two days and I didnt' know what would happen. But I love you guys and I don't want to end this. So I will have more imagines for you guys.**

Luke was the perfect husband to say the least. You had been married for about a year now and soon were expecting a little Hemmings. You were only about 4 months but having a baby meant the world to both of you. 

"Y/N! I’m going to the bank!" Luke yells and you run downstairs. 

"Hey, hey take it easy." He holds your waist as you press up against him.

"Sorry I just wanted a kiss"  You smile innocently and he laughs. 

"I love you guys." He smiles and places his hand on your belly. 

"Are you sure you have to go? You could just skip the bank." You pout and he kisses your forehead. 

"I’ll be home in 20 minutes. You take it easy." You kiss him one last time and he heads out. You decided on taking a shower and Luke still wasn’t home. You turn on the TV and surf through the channels. 


"Which cat is stuck in the tree now." You say sarcastically.

"The local bank near 154th has been robbed and we are hearing they are holding hostages." The air literally escapes your lungs as you grab your keys and run to the car to the bank. That was your guys bank you literally couldn’t breathe. You pull up and see police cars and SWAT teams with people behind yellow tape just like in the movies. 

"Luke!" You run at the yellow tape and get under it and that’s when a police officer stops you. 

"Ma’am please go behind the yellow tape. This is a secured area we don’t want anybody else getting in the way and nobody else needs to get hurt-" As he was about to finish gun fire went off and the officer grabbed you and covered you protecting you if they were firing from outside the building but obviously it came from inside. 

"Please! Please my husband is there I can’t lose him!" You sob and he walks you over to the other people with family and you notice a older women about 40-50 years old and she holds your hand. 

"My daughter is in there she’s only 23. This was her new job." The mother says quietly and you hold her hand tightly. 

"M-My husband, Luke. He’s in there. I’m 4 months pregnant this child needs a father." Tears stream through your eyes and suddenly the police start taking you and everybody else farther and farther away from the bank. As they keep pushing you back and back you notice the SWAT team started to go inside. 

"Please be okay, please be okay Luke." You prayed and officers made a strong barrier between you and the bank which was pretty far away now. 

"Copy 11 out of 11 hostages are alive. I repeat all hostages alive but there bodies.." Everybody holds their breath. 

" Both gunmen have committed suicide." The officers radio sounds and he curses forgetting to turn it off so we wouldn’t have to know. Suddenly people start running from the building and you try to find Luke but from this far away there’s no telling. They let you go and you run and there Luke is. 

"LUKE!" You scream and he runs over to you. You were sobbing you couldn’t even imagine Luke not being there. 

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Your mind races a million thoughts per minute. You grab his face and just rub your thumb over his cheek. 

"I’m fine-"

"You’re bleeding.." You say and he takes your hand. 

"Come with me." He takes you to the ambulance and they stitch up his forehead from the force of you now knowing one of the guys hit Luke with the gun knocking him out bleeding. 

"Alright, just ice it. And try to keep the wound clean you don’t want an infection." One of the paramedics say and you nod and take Luke’s hand. 

"Luke I was so scared. You should have just stayed home." You rest your face in his neck and he does the same for you. You just stand there holding each other. 

"I know baby I thought that 100 times. I knew I was going to make it out for you both. I wasn’t leaving my child and especially you behind." He smiles and you grab him and kiss him savoring the taste of his lips on yours.

You never thought that kiss you had that morning could have been your last.

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