Preference #1:How you two meet and how you find end up liking each other

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Luke: You and Luke were best friends ever since you two were in diapers. Your moms were best friends in high school and they decided they wanted to stay in contact with each other. You and Luke did absolutely everything together. You were in all the same classes until you hit 6th grade. And thats when you started to learn what a crush was. When you eventually learned what a "crush" was you started to have feelings for Luke. And who knew that he would feel the same way. He asked you out on a date and your relationship started from there.

Ashton: You and Ashton actually met in music class. You both played the drums. On the first day of school, you walked into your music class and noticed there were very few people who decided to take the class. Your music teacher went around the room and asked for your name and if you played and instrument, and if so what. You learned that the cute boys name sitting a few seats down from you, was named Ashton and he played the drums. You went and talked to him after class and you two decided to play together all during lunch and everything from there on just clicked.

Calum: You and Calum were actually neighbors. You had just moved to Australia from the United States. You were moving all the boxes from the moving van, when someone came up to you and introduced themselves as Calum. He helped you bring the boxes into the house. He asked if you would like a tour of the town and everything and you accepted the offer. You met his friends Michael, Ashton and Luke. But you really clicked with Calum. Who knew that the neighbor would be the love of your life.

Michael: You and Michael actually hated each other in middle school and up till your sophmore year of high school. You never understood why he hated you and he never understood why you hated him. You had always had a crush on him. But little did you that he had a crush on you. You hated each other because everytime you wanted to admit your feelings for one another, either one of you was already in a relationship. Your friends knew about your crush and Michael's friends knew about his. One day, they asked you guys to come to Calum's house to hang out and they eventually locked you two in a closet and thats when you confessed your feelings for each other.

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