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Life at the age of thirteen would probably be normal for every other teenage. Enjoying their time as their adolescent age starts, getting boyfriends and girlfriends starting to grow up. Finding new things about themselves. Exploring. Enjoying. Being free.

But for me it was completely opposite. Academically I was doing great. Coming as number one student was normal for me. But I was what they called an outcast I didn't really have many friends. People would talk with me to get information about classes and homework.

I didn't mind tho. I liked being alone, always.

Being alone always made me calm. I didn't have to think about everyone. I wasn't necessarily the loud type of person the word introvert would fit me best. There's not a lot of things to like about an introverts and maybe that's why I get teased a lot.

I hear them a lot of times. My school mates. They always talked behind my back in the past but as time went by they started to say things in front of me too. A group of girls started to spread rumors about me and that made matters much more worse. But I chose to ignore all of those.

I entered the building of my school as I started to make my way towards my locker. While on my way, I heard whispers. More likely loud and clear conversation of three girls talking about me.

- look there she is again , being a fucking book worm.

One of the girls said as I rolled my eyes and opened my bag to take my books out.

- Miso you're only 13 you don't have to study so much.

I chose to ignore these comments as I was taking my books out. I am only thirteen. Sure, people have different perspectives and way of looking towards life but that doesn't mean that they have to judge me just because mine is different from them.

As soon as I opened my locker I felt a cold bucket of water on myself. I gasped for air as I coughed vigorously. I clutched my chest as after some time I opened my eyes to see the three famous girls of our school.

Jennie, Seulgi and Rosé.

- Why would you do that? Huh?

I asked as Jennie scoffed and came towards me.

- That's for trying to steal my boyfriend from me you bitch!

I frowned as I shook my head.

- What do you mean? I never did anything. I don't even talk with you guys let alone the topic of me stealing someone's boyfriend. And if you think anybody can just easily take your lover away from you that means the problem is with you and your lover not me!

I said as I was panting hard. I had enough about them bullying me for no reason. I am not wrong and I will not keep quiet when they want a drama. Jennie looked wrathful she grabbed a handful of my hair as she started pulling it. I cried out loud as I was struggling go get away from her.

In between this we heard a loud voice of someone.

- Enough! What's going on here?

It was the voice anyone could recognize. Kim Taehyung. Son of a rich businessman which makes him think he owns the world. He was Jennie Kim's boyfriend. Rumors about us started when he and I shared notes for an assignment and since then the bullying worsened.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now