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- okay.

He said but did not move. I did not move. I didn't want to move. And as pathetic as it sounds I still find comfort in his arms.

He is my comfort zone.

God bless me.

After what seems like 10 minutes I spoke.

- T-taehyung?

I whispered looking up at him. He just hummed in response.

- m-move.

I said but he still did not move. I sighed, and kept my hands on his chest as I pushed him slightly. He sighed as he took my wrist and pushed me back to the door.

- Please. Let's just forget everything for now. Please miso.

He said and kept his head on mine again.

- I wish we could forget everything. I wish that it never happened. I so wish that we were still together happily as we were that morning. I wish we were normal Taehyung.

I whispered bitterly tears threatening to fall as I held on his arms tightly as if I am afraid to fall. I heard him clear his throat.

- That's what makes us unique. We are not normal.

He said and kissed my head. My heart beating unbelievably fast.

- My sister is going to be married.

He said out of the blue. I shot my head up and looked at him.

- What?

He nodded his head as he took some steps away and sat on my bed.

- Okay and?

I said awkwardly. All the romantic and sad atmosphere gone.

- And you need to come with me.

He said while cleaning his nails. As if it was very usual and normal thing for him.

- And why is that?

I asked keeping my hands on my waist and raising one eyebrow. He chuckled.

And ladies and gentlemen, it's none other than the arrogant Kim Taehyung.

- Because you are my girlfriend princess.

I bit my lip. As good as it sounds it's not the truth. The truth is worse that how it sounds. 

- Fake Girlfriend.

I said.

- Don't bite that lip of yours.

He said ignoring my answer.


Remembering what happened when I bit my lip I could not help but roll my eyes.

- Oh looks like you are inviting trouble.

I exhaled and rolled my eyes again as he raised his brow and scoffed.  He came near me pulled me and made me lay on the bed and started tickling me. I was laughing so loud after such a long time

- p-pl-pleas s-stop aahh

I said in between my laughs. But he didn't stop.

- Taehyung stop aah I-Im g-gonna p-pee. Stop it!!

He laughed more at my comment and still didn't stop until I kicked him. 

- You didn't just do that 

I said and sat on him and started tickling him too. Laying under me we both laughing so loud. After the fact that our relationship was a bet and he cheated on me but still us being like this.

So normal.

After a while I laid beside him. God I am so exhausted. I felt someone's arm behind my waist as he scooted me closer.

- Thank you so much for this miso I missed us.

He whispered but I was too tired as I closed my eyes and slept. 


Taehyung's P.O.V.

Sleeping so peacefully and wrapped around me laughing with me and even accepting that she misses me.

I guess I still have a chance.

I look at her sleeping form, I could not resist as I kissed her soft lips. She was like a daydream and can still manage to be my nightmare. I was going crazy about her. I saw how her lips curved as I removed my lips from hers.

- Just wait for me, love. I can make it right, just wait for me. 

Gosh, I love her so fucking much.


Hey lovelies!!!

How are you? What do you think?

god their relationship reminds me sm of my almost relationship💀

Is Miso really forgiving him? Is Taehyung really deserves that forgiveness? What will happen when Miso meets his family? What will be the reaction of his family?

Well, please continue to support me like this. And please do vote. DON'T be a silent reader please leave your suggestion. There is nothing more than I love reading your comments.

Thank you. I purple you 💜


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