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So this was a game for him again? 

I though as I felt like throwing up, I controlled my overwhelming emotions as I felt a hand on my shoulder. 

- Miso? Why are you not eating?

Jungkook asked as I got up and took my bag everyone looked at me and wondered what happened to me suddenly. 

- I'm sorry I need to go.

I said and started to move as I rushed outside. 

-Yah first eat your food.

Hoseok shouted at me but I didn't stop. 

- You can eat it.

I shouted back.



I washed my face and calmed myself after crying for half and hour. I looked at my watch. Crap. Only 15 minutes left. I hurried back to the classes. To be honest, first I thought of not going to the classes. But when I remembered my last class was my Literature, an important subject,  I immediately changed my plans and why in the hell should I leave my class for that asshole? I checked my phone and  I had a few missed calls from the group.

Jeongyeon : 6 missed calls.

Momo : 3 missed calls.

Chaeyoung : 5 missed calls.

Jin : 2 missed calls.

Hope: 3 missed calls.

Kook 💞 : 10 missed calls.

Yeah, very "few" missed calls. My subconscious told me. I sighed as I texted in the group saying I just had an upset stomach. 


I headed to my class and I saw Dahyun Namjoon Hoseok and Taehyung and....Nancy?

- Where the fuck were you?

Dahyun asked.

- I went to the rest room.

I said and smiled.


Hoseok literally shouted as I covered his mouth with my hand and widened my eyes. 

- Shut up. I'm fine. People are looking.

He made a peace sign and I removed my hand as I sighed. 

- But why did you leave like that? 

Namjoon asked as we were entering the class. I looked at his towering figure and said

- I had an upset stomach I guess. 

- So you need to take rest Miso. 

Nancy said batting her eyelashes at me as I was confused why was she behaving like that with me. 

- you don't need to worry about her

Dahyun said as I held her arm. 

- it's okay, and about that, I didn't want to miss my classes Nancy.

I said and smiled at her.

She is an attention seeking bitch. So it's better if I ignore her.

- tsk book worm.

Taehyung said but I ignored him too, both of them are a match made in heaven, both of them are attention seeking bitches. I turned and sat on the first row as Hoseok called me

- why are you sitting there? Come and sit with us. 

- I want to sit first you all sit there. 

I said and settled myself. I was feeling miserable inside. But I won't let that affect my studies.

The boy from earlier came and sat beside me. I tried to remember his name and was glad I didn't forget his name. 

- hey again.

He said

- hey.

I said and smiled.

- are you okay?

He asked

- yeah I am. Why did you ask?

- Your eyes... it's swollen. Did you cry?

He said. Shit. I touched my eyes.

- uhm no I actually slept in lunch so I guess..

- oh okay.

He said and looked at me suspiciously.

The teacher came in and started introducing himself.

- Hello Guys and girls. I am Lee Evans. I will be teaching Literature to you all. 

He looked young for his age, he must have noticed our expressions as he said

- Yes to clarify your thoughts. I'm 26.

He said and smiled. He has a cool personality.

- okay so let's not bore our class. Let's start with choosing your partners for the whole year for presentations.

The professor took a bowl and gave us a paper and told us to write our names in it. The professor started giving the first year students their partners as we took them. Jihyun looked and smiled at me as I shake it off. 

- here is your partner. 

The professor said and gave me a piece of paper. I suddenly remembered how Taehyung said about he being my partner. I had a bad feeling about this as I opened my chit and was disappointed but not surprised to see whose name I got. 

Kim taehyung? How? Why? What? No way...

I turned to look at him and saw him smirking.

I hate him.


Hey lovelies! ! How are you? How is this story so far? To be honest I'm thinking to stop writing because I'm not getting a good response. But nevertheless please do support my story and please do vote.

Thank you. What do you think? Is Taehyung responsible for being Miso mentor? Will Miso accept this?? 

Please look forward to my story. Thank you. I purple you 

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