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As soon as we entered into my dorm room, he put me down as I straighten up and I was going to say "thank you" when he took my shoulders and pinned me to the door. His hand wrapped around my wrists as he looked into my eyes.

His eyes

Something was different in his eyes. It was not at all soft as it was moments ago.

His eyes had mixed emotions.

Anger, Jealousy, worry, sadness, and...


His eyes were sending chills down to my spine.

I shivered.

As I was opening my mouth he suddenly growled and kissed me.

His kiss was rough. I instantly responded to his kiss.

My hands started roaming all over his body as he gripped me. His hands on my waist as he was pulling me towards him. As if he wants to make our bodies one. My one hand rested on his neck as my other in his hair. He took both of my hands and pinned it above my head. I moaned in between the kisses. I wanted to touch him. Why isn't he allowing me? Our tongues matched with each other as they were moving in the same rhythm. My legs were weak as I was having trouble standing. He broke the kiss as we both were panting heavily. But he did not stop there as his lips started to continue its assault on my neck. The pain and pleasure came together. He was too rough. Tears started to form in my eyes

- T-Taehyung, stop. 

As soon as the words left my mouth he pulled himself away from me as he looked at me, his eyes were shining with tears. He looked at the bruise on my jaw as he looked as if he was about to burst into a cry. 

- I am so sorry. God I am so sorry. I am sorry, I did not come earlier. If only I would have been a little early. 

- Ssshh, Taehyung. 

- No! Fuck, no. You didn't deserve it Miso. Nobody deserves this treatment. I am so fucking sorry. I shouldn't have left you yesterday. For God's sake, you are the only light of my world, the only happiness I have got. I don't want to lose you. I don't want to break up with you. Please please, take me back. 

I said nothing but took his beautiful face in my hands and pulled him closer to me. I kissed his both eyes and kissed his forehead. 

- I don't want to lose you either. I am sorry too. I shouldn't have overreacted like that.

- You had every right to do it. 

He said as he hugged me so tight. He held me like I am the most delicate thing he has ever touched and if he will let go he will lose me. I hugged him back as he pulled me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he kissed me and eventually, that kiss led to something more which I thought I would never do it until I get married.

It just happened so fast.

Yet so slow.

We were not able to control ourselves, and we did it. 

His tender kisses the way he touched me how I moaned his name again and again and how I was carving for him. He was gentle as it was my first time the pain and pleasure felt mesmerizing. I came so many times. I felt embarrassed but his sweet and soft words eased me.

After that, I finally said what I buried in myself for so many years. 

- I love you Taehyung.


Hey lovelies!!! How are you?


But what do you think? Did he really mean it? Did she really mean it? What will be the reaction of it? Do you think it was to soon?

I wasn't able to write THAT part. Hehe I wanted to finish this chapter as soon as possible because I had some work so I'm really sorry!!!

Well, please continue to support me like this. And please do vote. DON'T be a silent reader please leave your suggestion. There is nothing more than I love reading your comments.

Thank you. I purple you 💜

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