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It's been a week since I saw him. Kim Taehyung. This name always bought me agony, disasters, heart breaks. He was a beautiful mess, someone we want to be messed up with. His captive eyes held so many emotions yet his flawless face was always emotionless. I wanted to explore him more. To know every inch of him.

And now that my eyes never saw those dark brown eyes for seven days. I'm dying.

Our semester holidays are starting in 2 days.  So I was wondering to pay a visit to my hometown.

It's already been 3 months since I started here. Three months and so many things happened with me. Events where I was strong events where I was weak events where I was happy events where I was sad. Just like now. 

I sighed getting up from the bed turning to see instead of Jeongyeon it's Jungkook here. I widen my eyes. He was sleeping soundly in Jeongyeon's bed.

Why in the world is he here?

I went towards him and bend down looking at him.

Oh god he looks like a baby.

I smiled looking at him as he looked so pure and innocent sleeping like this. I started to shake  him a bit in order to wake his ass up.

- Jungkook? Jungkook-ah? Kookie wake up.

I said softly as he didn't budge even a little. I sighed as I looked at the time. 

8 PM

I gasped, I was just going to take a small nap, how the hell did I slept for 5 hours? 


I yelled as I started shaking him wildly, but he only groaned as he removed my hand which was on his shoulders and placed it between his hands and slept again.

I looked at him. Unbelievable.

The door flew open showing Jeongyeon, Jimin, Taehyung, mina and Jin. 

- Oh well you need to pay me back tonight

Jimin said

- We will do it in the party- oh Miso-

Jeongyeon said as everyone looked at me. 

- What are you doing here?

Mina said.

- Oh well I can ask the the same about him.

I said.

- He was not feeling well so he decided to sleep here.

Jimin said. 

- But what are you two doing in a position like that? Huh?

Jin asked.

I looked at him with wide eyes. Jungkook took my hand and used it like a pillow and I was just sitting there.

- I uh

I looked over at Taehyung glaring at us, he was leaning on the door frame. He was wearing a white hoodie with black pants and he looked ethereal. His tan skin shinning as his captive eyes were glaring at us through his bangs. 

What the fuck is his problem?

- We just ended up like this, he wasn't waking up. 

I explained as Mina laughed and looked at SeokJin. 

- Oh she still does not know how to wake him up?

Mina asked as I shook my head. Jin sighed as he came near us and removed my hand from Jungkook's grasp.  He took his nippels and started pinching it and Jungkook immediately got up.

- Who the fuck dared to this to me? Who's ass am I gonna kick?

He asked waking up from his sleep and looked at us, his both hands in front of him as if he was fighting someone. 

- ahem

Jin cleared his throat.

- Well I did. Do you have a problem with that? I don't see one so get your ass up. 

Jin said and flicked his tongue as Jungkook sighed and ruffled his hair. He looked at me.

-Miso? What's up? 

He asked as I widened my eyes not believing him. 

He's a hell of heavy sleeper.

- Nothing much. Just got up to see one of my friend sleeping like a sloth and using me as a pillow.

He blushed at the last sentence. I chuckled and patted his hair and got up I stretched and went to my bed.

- I want to sleep more.

I said laying on my bed when someone took my arm and got me up. 

- Yah don't sleep go and get ready today's a party. 

Jeongyeon said. 

- Hah as if I go to one.

I said trying to lay again when I was got up once again.

- okay okay alright I will go and bath.

I said getting up and left the room. I felt someone's eyes following my every move.


9 PM SKU'S Bathroom.

 I wore my grey hoodie and black pants as I tied the towel around my head. I started walking towards my dorm. Today was awfully quite not like I complain. I was going to open the door when suddenly the door opened from the other side hitting my nose.

Ouch my nose

I looked up and saw Taehyung.


He held my arm and pulled me inside the room.

- What the fuck?

I asked as he pinned me there, I let out a gasp as my back touched the door. 

- I wanted to let you know that you're still mine. So I hope you don't have anything for any other boy.


- what are you saying? Let go of me.

I said struggling as he looked at me with narrow eyes. 

- Jeon Jungkook.

He whispered as I squinted my eyes.

- what about him?

I asked as he scoffed and looked at me. 

- Oh you so know! Mina likes him so don't let him get attached to you.

If this was normal time I would have felt good knowing how protective he is for mina. But then again are we normal?

- You're so low. How can you think like that? He is only a friend and will only remain a friend okay?

I said and he sighed and kept his head on mine.

- okay.


Hey lovelies! ! !

How are you?

What do you think? does Jungkook likes Miso? What is Taehyung's next step? What will this vacation bring in the lives of them?

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Thank you. I purple you 💜

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