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We came inside our room and I heard Taehyung growling in frustration. I peeked and saw him ruffling his hair.

- If you keep on ruffling your hair the flour might get inside your eyes.

I said quietly as he looked at me with wild eyes.

-I did not ask you. It is all because you.

He said and I raised my brow and scoffed keeping both my hands on my waist.

- Excuse me?! No one ever told you to come stand right behind my back.

I said and he scoffed.

- Yeah now you can blame me. That is what you do.

He said shaking his head.

- Why are you picking up a fight with me? I blame on you because it is always your fault. 

I said as I took out my clothes and a bathrobe 

- I am not picking any fights okay? I wouldn't want to waste my time on fighting with you.

He said. I felt myself tearing up.

- What the fuck is wrong with you taehyung?

I shouted at him, as he looked shocked.

- Why do you have to always say the worst thing when things are going well? 

I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. He took a step forward.

- No listen i-

He said coming forward as I took a step back.

- No! Don't.

I said showing him my hand as I signaled him to stop and he did.

- No, you listen! You always ruin things Taehyung. Somewhere I was trying to move on but suddenly, you come and ask me no wait threaten me to be your 'fake' girlfriend and if I won't then you are going to ruin my family. Still, still I let it go I thought to do this as you were acting sweet with me but guess what?! You are still that jerk. But even after all of this I still cannot be mad at you because you know why? I am still madly in love with you that it hurts.

I said and took my bathrobe  and rushed inside the bathroom not wanting to face him. I closed the door with all my force and crouched down. Hot tears were  flowing down to my cheeks like a river.

I sobbed and cried out loud. It pains.. a lot. 

After a while I stripped and jumped into the shower as the warm water hugged my body and I closed my eyes feeling the warmth. Letting all the emotions and worries flow off just like the water.

What seemed like forever I came out of the shower to only find that I had only bought my bathrobe . I sighed rubbing my templates.

Come on Miso! As if he never saw your body you had sex more than twice!

My inner voice said.

But that was before you found out that this was all a game for him.

My other voice told me.

Ughhhh shut up both of you.

I wore the bathrobe  around me as I peeked and saw no one was there. Let me be honest, I actually expected him to wait for me. I sighed again as I got out and picked my clothes and my soul left my body when I saw the mirror and saw the reflection of Taehyung.

I gasped and kept a hand on my left chest.

- You scared me!

I said. And looked at the mirror to find him staring at me as he bought his hands towards my waist and wrapped it around me. And put his head on the crook of my neck.  I closed my eyes and honestly, his arms wrapped around me is giving me warmth hundred times better than the warmth the shower was giving me.

- I am sorry.

He mumbled his hot breath on my neck as my I shivered and goosebumps came on my arms.

- For what?

I whispered.

- For being an asshole all this time.

He said and a chuckle left my mouth.

- And?

I asked.

- For hurting you.

He said looking at me from the over giant mirror.

- And?

I asked again.

- For shouting at you.

He said lowly. I just nodded.

- Go and shower. We need to go out.

I said and he groaned.

- I want to sleep. I am tired. 

He said and pulled us on the couch.

- Taehyung!!!

I shrieked.

- Hmm?

He hummed.

- Let me change I am only in a bathrobe. 

I said as I felt my cheeks turning hot.

- It's alright I don't care.

He said with a smirk.

- But I do care.

I said as I pushed myself up.

- Nice cleavage!

He said with a wink my eyes widen as I threw a pillow at him as he laughed and went to the bathroom. I shook my head.

We both are like moon and river, no matter how long we spend our time away, in the end we always find a way in each other's arms. We are in a very strange and weird relationship, where we crush and hug each other. We are each other's pain and each other's relief. So sad, yet so beautiful we are. 


Hey lovelies!!!

How are you?

What do you think? What will Taehyung's next step be? What will happen when they go down

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Thank you. I purple you 💜

PS : THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1k votes I love you all so much.

Btw PriNsSShNY she was the one who made me notice this hehe I love you baby 💕

Stay tuned~

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