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He was going to kiss me when suddenly a voice from behind came.

His as deep as an ocean's voice roared like a Lion. I opened my eyes and saw his dark brown eyes glaring at the monster who was harassing me. His face held the look that could kill anyone. Sweat dripping from his hair as his hands were clutched in a fist. He started walking towards us as I cried harder. 

A cold wind passed by and chills came down to my spine.

Jihyun turned his head and clicked his tongue. 

- Tsk. Well well well, look who's here? The legend himself. The great Kim fucking Taehyung.

He said and I got a chance to run as his grip was loosen. I started to run towards Taehyung but before I could, Jihyun caught my wrist as my back collided with his chest. 

 -No so fast baby girl.

He said and we heard a growl from Taehyung.

- I. Said. get. your. hands. off. her

He said with his gritted teeth. He was all red now.

- Oh. And may I ask you why? What are you to her?

He asked Taehyung and then turned towards me and said.

- What is he to you Miso? 

He asked. There was silence now.

I can only hear my quiet sobs and our breathing. 

- Nothing?  Then why are you here Kim? Get your ass out of my business.

He said and turned around and held my face with his hands.

- I love her, and we are having a moment. So leave Kim.

He said and I started to cry louder.

I heard his foot steps coming towards us. And next thing I knew was Jihyun's face was punched by Taehyung.

- She is my fucking girlfriend you bastard.

He said and my breath hitched. It was like someone was choking me. I could not breath. I cannot believe that he just said that.

God damn it..

Taehyung went towards Jihyun who was now lying on the floor as he picked him up with his collar and punched him again and again and again and again and again and again and again.


And again.


and again.


And again.

Oh no he need to stop.

- Taehyung stop. You will kill him.

I cried out loud.

But he did not stop. I was shouting but he didn't stop.

I have to stop him.

I thought and held his shoulders and pulled him. I caught his hands and wrapped him around me. But he was still not stopping.  He suddenly turned around and bought his fists in the air.

As if he was going to punch me.

His face was red and dripping from sweat. His neck veins were visible.

I heard more foot steps. And from the corner of my eyes I saw then all.

Namjoon Hoseok Chaeyoung Dahyun Jeongyeon Mina Momo Jimin Jin Jungkook Yoongi. I heard their gasps as well as mine.

Taehyung's eyes widen as he realised what he was doing.

My eyes wide open. My breathing irregular. My heard was beating in an inhumane way.

This was the moment which I could never ever forget in my life.

Taehyung's eyes soften as I could see tears in it. He bought his hand down and hugged me. I cried out loud. But did not hug him back. I was scared. He hugged me so tight as if he was afraid to let me go 

- What the fuck is happening here?

I heard Jin saying.

I moved back as we saw all of them reaching for us.

- What the hell happened?

- Why did you beat him?

- Omo Miso-ah are you okay?

- Isn't that Jihyun?

- I cannot even recognise him

SeokJin said as he looked at Jihyun who was passed out, laying on the ground. 

- What did he do?

As usual, everyone bombarded us with questions.

I could not speak. Jeongyeon came towards me and hugged me. As mina took out her jacket and wrapped me in it. The girls surrounded me as they hid me from everyone. 

- Bro will you say now?

- He harassed Miso. He was fucking misbehaving with her, she is my girl and I won't allow any disrespect towards my girl. 

He said and everyone gasped.


- THE.


- IS



I sighed.

- Can we just go back to the party now? I will go and rest I'm the dorm. I'm fine thanks to him.

I said.

- I will take you-

Jeongyeon was saying when Taehyung cut her off.

- No. I'm gonna take her. You go and continue whatever you guys were doing.

Oh no I don't wanna be alone with him

They all nodded and said to call them if anything happens as they left Jihyun there.

Taehyung carried me in a bridal style as I was stumbling while walking.

- y-you don't need to carry me.

I said but he did not reply.

We came to my dorm and as soon as we entered I quickly got down off him and he pinned me to the door and.

Kissed me.


Hey lovelies!!!

How are you? What do you think?

Huhu so Taehyung was the one who saved her

What do you think? What will happen next? Will Taehyung and Miso share a moment or they will get disturbed again?  What will Jihyun do now?  What do you think the group will react?

Well please do continue to support me like this. And please do vote. DON'T be a silent reader please leave your suggestion. There is nothing more than I love reading your comments.

Thank you. I purple you 💜


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