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Don't ever dare to behave like that with my girlfriend.

Taehyung's words were ringing in my head.

Girlfriend. My girlfriend.

He really said that. I mean of course, I won't believe him so easily but still I cannot stop these fluttering and fast beats when he is near me. But he is been acting really nice with me. Even though, he is an asshole for a moment but he still come to me and make me feel better.

No Lee Miso! Don't forget the things he did to you. If he broke your heart once he can break it again too.

My inner voice said.

But he actually is trying to recover the mistakes he did.

--he is trying so hard to win your heart.

Momo said.

- huh?

I asked. We were sitting with everyone downstairs as I was eating my food. She sat beside me cuddled me and said.

- I know whatever tae did was worse. Like playing with someone's heart it cannot even be considered as a mistake it is a sin.

She said and I was silent. That topic was still really sensitive for me. So I said nothing she notices and continued.

- but Miso, trying to change yourself and improving yourself for someone else is also a very good sign.

She said and I looked at her and she smiled.

- He is improving himself, and that too for you.

She said and my heart skipped a beat.

-Of course, it is not going to happen any time soon. Nobody can change themselves within a month or two. They need time and support and comfort. And that's what Taehyung needs right now and he can only find those from you. Think about it Miso. 

She said leaving me with my deep thoughts.

That's what Momo said and I was wrapping my head around the fact that he is trying to change himself for me. And then this happens where he fights with Jennie his I don't know what she is to him and that too for me.

Ughhhh I am confused.

I heard the bathrooms door open and Taehyung gets out a towel wrapped around his torso.

Fuck. He is hot.

I snapped back when I heard him.

- Like what you are seeing?

He said and smirked. I let out a scoff.

- you are such a narcissistic Kim Taehyung.

I said and he laughed.

- Stop lying. I saw you drooling.

And as if in an instinct I kept my hand near my lips to check if I really was.

Stupid miso.

He laughed hard. And I closed my eyes trying to control my anger.

-Me? Drooling? And that to over you? HA  you wish.

I said flipping my hair. He saw me and raised a brow.

-So it does not matter to you if you see me like this.

He said as I just shook my head.

- Hmm. It doesn't matter.

I said as I got up and took the water bottle as I was suddenly very thirsty. I felt his hot breath on my neck.

- it doesn't matter? Really?

He whispered in my ears seductively.  My breath hitched. I gulped and turned around.

- Yes. It d-doesnt.

I said trying to look into his eyes only to find so many emotions into them. Most of all lust .

- you won't be affected if I do anything right?

He said as I crossed my arms maintaining a distance.

- Yes Mr. Kim Taehyung.

I said smiling.

- Then it should not matter if I sleep in somewhere else. 

He said turning around and leaving the room and in a second I wrapped my arms around his waist. A noise of my heart break was heard.

- Did I say that? I only said it doesn't matter if you stand like this in front of me and not any other person. 

I said and smiled at him as he grinned.

- I like you more when you get jealous. 

He said and I swear my heart stopped.

Did he just confessed? Wait- wHaT?

- I will go and change now. Sleep it's late.

He said patting my head and kissing my forehead.  He went inside the bathroom and I climbed the bed and turned off the lights. Wait are we going to sleep on the same bed. I thought and an idea popped up in my mind. I took all the hundreds of pillows which were on the bed and made a boundary.

There is no way I am going to sleep on the floor and there is no way I am going to let Taehyung sleep on the floor as he just bathed. And the sofa won't be enough for him as he rotates like a clock in his sleep.

I quickly took the blanket and pulled the covers up to my head as I covered myself with the warm blanket and closed my eyes. I heard the door open and close. I heard Taehyung's chuckling as he got inside the covers and played with my hair.

- I see that you made a boundary.

He whispered.

- don't worry.  One day for sure, I will remove all the boundaries between us. And make your heart mine again which belongs to me just like how mine belongs to you.


Hey lovelies!!!!

Isn't Taehyung just too sweet? Omg my heart is about to burst.

What do you think about this part? Will Taehyung be successful in winning Miso's heart?  Or someone else will win it?

Well, please continue to support me like this. And please do vote. DON'T be a silent reader please leave your suggestion. There is nothing more than I love reading your comments.

Thank you. I purple you 💜

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