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After cutting the cake we all started getting ready for the party tonight. Taehyung was outside with his friends and I wanted to call him because he said he will be choosing the dress I need to wear tonight. I was going towards the garden to find Taehyung as one of the maid said he is in garden with his friends.

I searched for him and found him with Namjoon Hoseok Jin Yoongi Jungkook Jimin Suho mark and Taeyong.

I sighed. There is no way I am going to call him when he is with all those boys. I tried to call either Jimin or Jungkook. I was waving at them and making noises but those deaf idiots were not listening to me and to my bad luck the one who paid attention to my effort was Suho. 

He squinted his eyes and his face relaxed when he saw the one who was acting like a drunk monkey was me. He stood up and started walking towards me.

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no

Oh god! Why me?!

I turned around and ran to the house and I was in front of my room I let out a breath of relief.

- ha that was close.

I whispered to myself panting.

- Miso-ah?

I heard a deep voice. I widen my eyes as I figured out whose voice that was. I turned around and saw Suho his hands on his waist and but unlike me he wasn't panting like a dog.

I gulped when he saw me.

- I saw you signaling someone so I thought you need help with something. But why did you ran like you saw a ghost?

He asked.

- Uhhhh...

To be honest, I don't know too. Why did I ran away from there? Suho has been nothing but good with me from the start. Maybe it is because I don't want to face anything or anyone from my past. Okay I know it is been a long time but I am still not yet ready okay? 

He raised a brow waiting for my answer.

- Uh yes I actually needed help.

I answered.

- Well I am free and I can help you.

He said taking a step forward but I immediately took a step back.

- N-no actually, I needed help from Taehyung.

I said and his smile fell and he made a cold look.

- He is busy right now. But I will call him for you. 

He said emphasizing the 'for you' I frowned. I felt bad for making him upset. He just asked for help and nothing else.

- Uh Suho...

I said and he turned around raising a brow. He hummed.

- Well, since he is busy you can help me maybe? 

I suggested and he smiled.

- Sure. What can I do for you?

He said as I lead him to our room.

- Please sit.

I said showing him the couch. He sat and his eyes roamed around the room.

- your room is very clean.

He said and I looked at him.

- Yes well, I cleaned it in the morning.

I said and he smirked.

The Bully 's Love|| KTH. ff. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now